TV Shows » Falling Skies
The Lost Girls » by
Sequel to Not Dead Yet set between season 2 and 3 and focusing on my other OC, Zoe Maddison. Four months after the arrival of the Volm, Jeanne Weaver hears rumours about the location of her beloved Diego and the Lost Boys. She and Zoe embark on an unauthorised mission to find them, but will the road trip prove too much for Zoe, who harbours secret feelings for Jeanne?
T, English, Romance & Sci-Fi, chapters: 4, words: 15k+, updated: 10/18/2024 published: 8/26/2024, OC, Jeanne Weaver
Light Shining Amongst The Darkness » by
A darkness had covered the earth destroying everything we have ever held close to our hearts, but within such darkness, a light shines strong. Saved by the leader of the Rebel Skitters known as Red Eye a tiny baby named Regina has a chance of a future thriving in his protection. As time moves on a bond so powerful is formed between them that it may be the answer to all. Red Eye/OC
T, English, Family & Friendship, chapters: 10, words: 11k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 10/14/2024, OC, Rebel skitters
Not Dead Yet » by
OC. Sequel. Season 2. Three months have passed since Tom took off on the alien ship and he's back, much to the relief of Grace and her brothers. But life hasn't got much easier since his return. Now Grace must navigate new threats from the alien enemy, loss of a loved one, and the promise of a new safe haven. But can she make it with her family in one piece?
T, English, Family, chapters: 45, words: 100k+, favs: 13, follows: 12, updated: 2/3/2024 published: 4/10/2021, Tom M., Hal M., Ben M., OC
83When Skies Are Grey » by
After the Battle of Fitchburg, Casey finds herself caring for baby Charlotte. Motherhood is the last thing she imagined for her future; but then again an alien invasion wasn't something she imagined either. (original character centric fic)
T, English, chapters: 33, words: 102k+, favs: 39, follows: 41, updated: 1/25/2022 published: 4/26/2013
Missing Scenes » by
Missing scenes from episodes of Falling Skies
K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 11, words: 30k+, favs: 19, follows: 19, updated: 8/3/2021 published: 11/24/2016
One of Many by
Ayala Atreides
[I guess I'm not done writing fixits for 5x03, because here's another one!] Pope runs back to get the flamethrower, but this time something changes. This time, he calls Tom out, and the truck does not leave without him. This time, Tom remembers what "the greater good" really means.
T, English, Family & Sci-Fi, words: 5k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, 5/10/2021, Tom M., Anne G., J. Pope, Dan Weaver
Heartbeat Away from Death » by
Grace Mason, OC. How will Tom's daughter fare when an alien race invades and the life she knew and hoped for is cruelly snatched away?
K, English, Sci-Fi & Family, chapters: 17, words: 57k+, favs: 44, follows: 36, updated: 5/1/2021 published: 9/14/2014
Stuck On You » by
Ayala Atreides
You're John Pope and you do not run all the way back to Chinatown for a flamethrower, because that's really not the only option. I mean, come on. C'mon. [A "choose your own adventure"-style fix-it for 5x03 "Hatchlings" that is also sort of a character study on Pope and also a diatribe about this episode's many crimes. If you're salty about 5x03 too, you're in the right place!]
T, English, Sci-Fi & Romance, chapters: 4, words: 6k+, 4/1/2021, J. Pope
Grace Mason and The Battle of Fitchburg » by
Sequel to Heartbeat Away from Death. A fic about my Falling Skies OC and her experience during The Battle of Fitchburg. It's been 4 weeks since Tom flew away on that beamer, and Grace is trying her hardest to find him and support her brothers through another ensuing attack. But as she struggles without her father's support, can she make it out of Fitchburg alive?
T, English, Sci-Fi & Family, chapters: 8, words: 14k+, favs: 6, follows: 4, updated: 2/28/2021 published: 2/14/2021, Tom M., Hal M., Ben M., OC
Wayward Son » by
After Karen revealed that Anne and Lexi were still alive and released them, she left the 2nd Mass, telling Tom that her door will always be open. Two weeks later, they were all attacked, separated and put into ghettos. As Tom struggles to get free and reunite his family, he finds that Hal is still missing.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 55, words: 148k+, favs: 12, follows: 9, updated: 7/25/2020 published: 10/12/2019, Tom M., Hal M., Margaret/Maggie
17Worst-Case Scenario » by
When Pope voices displeasure about the aliens around camp, some of his followers take things a lot further than he intended. Without Pope's knowledge they take Ben Mason as a hostage for leverage. After enduring what amounts to torture, Ben, Pope, and Lee must face a bitter reality in the aftermath of battle. Can Pope lead them in the rescue of the Second Mass? Ben Hurt/Comfort!
T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 18, words: 45k+, favs: 19, follows: 24, updated: 5/25/2020 published: 10/20/2019, Tom M., J. Pope, Ben M.
Non-Essential Personnel - Alternate Ending » by
What if Tom had gotten to Hal instead of Hal escaping with Isabella? Lots 'n lots of h/c in this story, but I did my best to keep the characters true to canon. Rated T to be safe. This story is completely written, so I'll be posting a chapter per day. :-) Now Complete!
T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 5, words: 12k+, favs: 14, follows: 5, updated: 5/16/2020 published: 5/11/2020, Tom M., Hal M., Ben M., Matt M.
Como debio ser » by
Jimmy se ha ido, Ben selo entrego a los invasores, despues del asesinato del encargado de america y la destruccion de la super arma, los overlords se han ido y han dejado la invasion en manos de quien menos selo esperan
T, Spanish, Fantasy & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, updated: 11/7/2019 published: 12/21/2012, Ben M., Jimmy B.
3Falling Earth » by
Black Dragon 42
Aliens have invaded. But have you ever wondered, if aliens exist out in space, what could be living on earth? Zada Stone is a member of the 2nd Mass, and something not exactly human. Join her as she struggles to keep her family together, their secret safe, and all while falling in love with another member, Hal Mason. Rated T for some cursing later on. Hal/OC
T, English, Supernatural & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 8k+, favs: 16, follows: 19, updated: 6/25/2019 published: 12/31/2013, [OC, Hal M.]
Worms by
Poem: Not even through the grace of God could she withstand the touch of the Devil.
T, English, Poetry & Horror, words: 214, 12/14/2018, Lourdes
Cheesecake Crush by
It hurt to let go of him. Ben Mason had been my everything for so long now, it felt wrong without him. But a part of me was...relieved. Relieved to be able to finally be free for a change. That is...until I developed feelings for another certain Mason. The question was: would Hal feel the same way? Or I was just his kid brother's ex to him? One-shot.
K+, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 946, favs: 6, follows: 5, 8/24/2018, Hal M., OC
Giving Him My Love » by
She was always there for him - no matter what. But he never could see her as anything but a best friend. Best friend. That word resounded in her head like a broken record. But it didn't seem to matter because she couldn't help but give Ben Mason her love - no matter the cost. Two-shot.
K+, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 5, follows: 5, 8/24/2018, Ben M., OC
Blindsided » by
After Lexi turns against her family and the 2nd Mass, they are attacked by the Espheni. Once the smokes clears, the Mason family finds that Hal had been caught in the crossfire, and Anne is not sure he'll ever make a full recovery. *AU season 4, Hal gets injured instead of Maggie, rated T to be safe*
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 12, words: 34k+, favs: 20, follows: 16, updated: 2/15/2018 published: 10/19/2017, Tom M., Hal M., Margaret/Maggie, Ben M.
The Minute We Love » by
Anne said if Tom wasn't back in 72 hours, she would be coming after him. It was over 72 hours. What Anne didn't expect was for Ben, Matt, and Maggie to overhear and decide to join her to help Tom rescue Hal from Pope. *Another version of Hal's capture and rescue in season 5. Will continue through 5x06, 5x07, and 5x08.*
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 14, words: 53k+, favs: 32, follows: 20, updated: 8/16/2017 published: 5/21/2017, Tom M., Hal M.
The Caretaker by
*A one-shot of life for the Masons before the invasion when Rebecca was going through chemotherapy for breast cancer.* Hal skips school to help his Mom when he sees that she's sick. Major Hal and Rebecca mother-son relationship as well as some HalMatt.
K+, English, Family, words: 4k+, favs: 5, follows: 1, 8/2/2017, Tom M., Hal M., Matt M., Rebecca M.
1Fear The Mother Wolf » by
Wild Birdie
What if Tom and Rebecca Mason had another son? What if Hal, Ben and Matt had an older brother? How would it change the story? What if humans weren't the only species fighting for earth? What would happen?
T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 3k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, updated: 5/31/2017 published: 1/20/2015
The Will to Survive » by
*Starts in 3x08* When Tom wakes up from the dream controlled by Karen, she makes him an offer, Anne and Lexi, for Hal. While Tom refuses, insisting there is another way to save them, Hal goes behind his father's back to save his family. When he is found, nothing will be the same. *Few changes in 3x08 and 3x09, then goes AU*
K+, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 28, words: 89k+, favs: 29, follows: 28, updated: 5/15/2017 published: 1/11/2017, Hal M.
Late At Night I Dream Of You by
Sometimes, late at night, Pope lets his mind race through all the things he'll never get to do. JP/TM Ben/Tector mention. Slash
T, English, Fantasy & Romance, words: 757, favs: 3, follows: 2, 3/2/2017, Tom M., J. Pope
2Shooting Stars (Falling Skies) » by
The story starts with a mixture between Ben's Life before the invasion & after, the idea will mostly be explained in the first chapter "That's why it's a bit long & into the point" however I've to say the story isn't mainly about romance, it's about Ben, his spikes, Mia, Hal,Karen & Lucas *The story takes place between the 2nd & 3rd season "Best part of the series from my opinion"
T, English, Sci-Fi & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 7, words: 11k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, updated: 2/9/2017 published: 1/13/2017, Hal M., Karen N., Ben M.
20Under Pressure » by
Hal wakes up from unconsciousness. Again. It's different this time, though. [Matt/Hal/Ben brotp focus, with insinuated romances in the background]
T, English, Angst & Family, chapters: 13, words: 7k+, favs: 17, follows: 27, updated: 12/1/2016 published: 7/7/2015, Hal M., Margaret/Maggie, Ben M., Matt M.
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