Favorite Stories 80
801Never Too Late » by
The Hogwarts Headmaster enlists a little help to give Severus and Harry something they've missed. A baby Severus and Harry fic.
Harry Potter, K, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, chapters: 31, words: 58k+, favs: 702, follows: 666, updated: 9/7/2024 published: 11/3/2003, Albus D.
1k+Ashes of the Phoenix » by
Emrald Eyes
Sick and tired with the way the Dursleys were treating him, Harry decides he has had enough. Leaving the house he makes his way towards the Leaky Cauldron only to encounter the one person he didnt want to see...
Harry Potter, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 26, words: 91k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 9/22/2019 published: 10/2/2006, Harry P., Severus S.
2k+Catechism » by
AU The Dursleys taught Harry to fear and hate magic and all things magical including himself. Now how long will it take the wizarding world see the damage done? And can they ever hope to fix it? Disturbing. WIP
Harry Potter, M, English, Angst, chapters: 16, words: 113k+, favs: 3k+, follows: 4k+, updated: 10/17/2017 published: 8/11/2004, Harry P., Severus S.
10k+The Marriage Stone » by
Josephine Darcy
SSHP. To avoid the machinations of the Ministry, Harry must marry a reluctant Severus Snape. But marriage to Snape is only the beginning of Harry's problems. Voldemort has returned, and before too long Harry's marriage may determine the world's fate.
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 78, words: 382k+, favs: 12k+, follows: 10k+, updated: 11/22/2016 published: 4/9/2007, Harry P., Severus S.
Dear Order » by
"I'm still alive, as you may surmise from this note. Of course, I could be dead and someone is faking the letter to fool you…" Harry is NOT happy about being left at Privet Drive all summer with no one to talk to.
Harry Potter, K+, English, Humor, chapters: 22, words: 29k+, favs: 16k+, follows: 12k+, updated: 9/19/2016 published: 9/17/2006, Harry P., Hermione G., Luna L.
417The Mistake » by
Ten years ago, Dumbledore left young Harry at his relatives. Now, ten years later, he cannot be found. Severus is sent to investigate. What shall he find? Warning, childabuse!
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Angst, chapters: 10, words: 17k+, favs: 522, follows: 640, updated: 9/4/2014 published: 7/1/2004, Harry P., Severus S.
1k+River of Dreams » by
When Severus Snape finds a certain brat-who-lived out after curfew the year after Voldemort's return, it starts a chain of events that he wouldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams. Or nightmares.
Harry Potter, K, English, Adventure, chapters: 52, words: 274k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 10/23/2011 published: 1/31/2006, Severus S., Harry P.
106Christmas Wishes » by
Xavier Phoenix
What seven year old Harry Potter really wants for christmas, is a family. AD HP father son relationship.
Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 8, words: 12k+, favs: 134, follows: 184, updated: 8/16/2011 published: 9/23/2006, Albus D., Harry P.
37Phoenix Dust » by
Harry's summer just keeps getting weirder, now he can talk to Owls too, Not that Hedwig and Pigwidgeon aren't brilliant conversationalists... AU MagicalCreature!Harry AFTER 5 LONG YEARS HIATUS: Chapter 4 is up!
Harry Potter, K+, English, Humor, chapters: 4, words: 12k+, favs: 39, follows: 91, updated: 7/25/2011 published: 10/7/2006
Redirection: A Second Chance » by
Pettigrew is captured and Harry finally gains the family he deserves: his godfather, Sirius Black. But when darkness begins to grow, Harry discovers that his newfound happiness is shortlived. POA AU.
Harry Potter, T, English, Angst & Suspense, chapters: 81, words: 269k+, favs: 884, follows: 516, updated: 1/20/2011 published: 12/4/2006, Harry P., Sirius B.
4k+Darkly Treacherous » by
AU: What if Harry grew up neglected by his parents? What if he had been kidnaped by Voldemort and raised as his dark heir? Read and find out!
Harry Potter, T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 32, words: 84k+, favs: 5k+, follows: 4k+, updated: 12/27/2010 published: 8/17/2004, Harry P., Voldemort
190Revenge » by
It was all Sirius' fault. If he hadn't annoyed the entire house then the entire house wouldn't be so desirous of revenge. Naturally he would never have dreamed Harry would be involved in any such vengeance, let alone mastermind it. SLASH SBHP
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance, chapters: 14, words: 38k+, favs: 178, follows: 296, updated: 12/16/2010 published: 8/15/2005, Harry P., Sirius B.
Meeting Again » by
Harry and Dudley go to their elementary school reunion. What happens when Harry meets old enemies and bullies? COMPLETED
Harry Potter, K+, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 13, words: 17k+, favs: 409, follows: 333, updated: 8/15/2010 published: 11/4/2004, Harry P.
90Vengeance » by
When the Dursley's find out Sirius has died, they take out their muchawaited punishment on Harry. What if those who swore to protect you never came? Rated M for Violence!
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama, chapters: 2, words: 7k+, favs: 181, follows: 315, updated: 1/20/2010 published: 7/19/2007, Harry P., Severus S.
To Have a Father » by
Crystal Cove
During the summer before his third year at Hogwarts, Harry ends up in a reality where Severus Snape is his father. AU, Sevitus—Includes Sirius!
Harry Potter, K+, English, Family, chapters: 30, words: 96k+, favs: 862, follows: 567, updated: 9/16/2009 published: 8/13/2007, Harry P., Severus S.
153Back to the Future » by
Lily gets sent forward in time to Harry's 4th year, just in time for the twizard tournament. How will she deal with Harry being in the tournament, and how will she get home?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama, chapters: 16, words: 13k+, favs: 124, follows: 165, updated: 9/14/2009 published: 2/6/2006, Harry P., Lily Evans P.
2k+Paddy's Little Pup » by
AU When a stray dog saves Little Dudley, the Dursley adopt it and now strange things are happening at Privet Drive, and it's not Harry! What happens when Sirius and Remus raise Harry the Wizarding way? Please read and review.
Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 24, words: 121k+, favs: 3k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 5/8/2009 published: 9/13/2006, Harry P., Sirius B.
Anger Management » by
In the week immediately following the Tri-Wizard tournament, Harry is having issues dealing with the death of Cedric. When his ever changing mood swings begin to concern the staff, Snape is brought in to 'help' Harry with his problems. AU.
Harry Potter, T, English, Angst & Drama, chapters: 7, words: 43k+, favs: 986, follows: 453, updated: 10/15/2008 published: 1/24/2008, Harry P., Severus S.
403Fatal Innocence » by
A young Harry Potter has been in an orphanage since the unfortunate Dursleys were in an accident. He gets adopted by Severus Snape under orders from Dumbledore, and Severus struggles in his role as father for increasingly odd reasons. Slash
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 16, words: 33k+, favs: 280, follows: 489, updated: 7/17/2008 published: 6/28/2007, Severus S., Harry P.
334Commencement » by
Crystal Cove
Accumulates Harry's years at Hogwarts with Severus Snape as his adoptive father. Severus has relatives? Harry's in a different House? Sirius returns? Sequel to Bond. Discontinued - sorry!
Harry Potter, K, English, chapters: 38, words: 103k+, favs: 148, follows: 159, updated: 6/29/2008 published: 5/3/2006