To the newly revised Sin profile. My fanfiction days have been random and a bit well spaced. In fact, I'd have to say since I started college that I've had little to no time to enjoy the fanfiction world, however, my props remain to the authors mentioned below. I'd also like to give an additional mention to AviatorGirl(sp)? who is an excellent writer and definitely one you should check out.
I still love RavenEcho and all her stories. You should check out Touch Me and her newest (not new, merely revised for the umpteenth time and currently in progress HP fanfic) These Stone Walls. It's even better and I'm glad to see it back in the works. - !
I'd also suggest checking out Hero Training on my favorite stories list, or Dark Rage by YamiPalidinofChaos-Actually all their stories are good. Just check them out. Both are excellent.
And for those Harry/Hermione shippers--SeanBiggerstaffLOVER has a few good stories
Read, Imagine, and Write.