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amber-chick PM
Joined May '06

Oct 29 2013: Alright, so I know I haven't been nearly on top of things over the last couple of years as I'd like to be and you all have my sincerest apologies for that fact. I'm afraid doing a double degree at uni eats up more of my time then I expected, and I've found myself not writing nearly as much as I used to. For anyone who may still be reading, here's the deal with my In Progress works.

MPP&L: I actually actively avoided posting anything related to this for a while in the hope that it would sneak under the purge that took place earlier this year, but unfortunately that didn't seem to help much. From what I've been told Ao3 also doesn't accept these sorts of stories. They seem to be really cracking down about these sorts of stories, so I'm honestly not sure whether I will try to post this story again.

Rumour Mill: I won't deny it, I've fallen out of the NCIS fandom a bit. Seasons 7&8 just didn't engage me like the show used to and as a result I've been watching NCIS very sporadically. To be honest, I'm still on Season 10 which I am enjoying more so I'm hoping I'll fall back in love with this show and get the inspiration to finish this story :) (Seriously, the Abby chapter has been half finished for a ridiculously long time.)

For anyone wanting to know things about me:

I am reasonably tall. I have brown hair. I have green eyes.

Favourite Animes: Rurouni Kenshin, Vandread, Love Hina

Favourite TV shows: NCIS, Angel, Bones, White Collar, Star Trek, Leverage, Charmed, and House (the first few seasons anyway)

Favourite Books: Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series

There are various places on the internet you can find me; all my usernames have 'Amber' in them. This is not my real name.

I am currently working on backing up my fics to Archive of Our Own as Polish_Amber
I also have a Tumblr blog if anyone is interested: it's the-amber-raven

Fic Status: Rurouni Kenshin

It's ok to cry - one shot, completed.

The Aftermath of Toba Fushimi - one shot, completed.

Katsura's thoughts - one-shot companion to Toba Fushimi, completed (finally!)

Dragon meets White Plum - 9 chapters, complete.

Battousai the Rurouni - After a long road, complete with 16 chapters.

Fic Status: Harry Potter

A Baffling Visit - One-shot, complete.

Forever Bound, Forever Friends - one-shot, complete.

IN PROGRESS: Moony, Padfoot Prongs and Lily. I still haven't decided whether to try again here. See above for information about this story.

NOW COMPLETE: Reactions to the Legend. That's right people, nearly 4 years in the making, and the last chapter is finally up :) Enjoy!


Personnel File - Oneshot, complete. My first ever NCIS fic, that I think turned out quite well.

Replacement - Oneshot, complete. Another character introspection on DiNozzo from a character we don't see very often - Stan Burley.

Employee Assessment - Twoshot, complete. The sequel to Personnel File, and it goes further into Vances thought on DiNozzo and the team.

Repeated History:A short oneshot that popped into my head randomly. Complete.

Smarter, Not Harder: Complete with 10 first multichapter NCIS fic. Complete at 10 chapters. This fic challenged me, but I think it turned out quite well :). This story won the NCIS fanfiction awards! :)

Reactions. 6 chapters, complete. A multi-chapter tag to Bury Your Dead. Chapter 6: Gibbs, has been posted

IN PROGRESS: Rumour Mill: Chapter 4 has been posted; Chapter 5 (Tony and Abby talk) currently in progress, about half completed. See above for more information.

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