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MinaRose2023 PM
Joined May '06

MinaRose2023 been writing fan fiction since 2003, much of those stories have been lost sadly along the way, thing is she stupidly deleted all of her old stories she's starting new again and some of the old stories she was able to retrieve are making their way back to once again but for the most part she's just writing new stories starting fresh because she needed to move on.

She has, in the past, written for Hanna Montana, One Tree Hill, My Little Pony, Yuru Yuri, Love Live School Idol Project, Batman and Superman, Sailor Moon and RWBY. She will try to bring back most of those old stories and see where it takes her. Not all will be restored but the most she can. She will not be writing sadly for the Man From U.N.C.L.E. but it's like whatever I have other fandom to write for.

She must make a clause, she has Learning Disabilities and English is her second language. She entered the English Group in the Learning Center in 10th grade so from 10th grade up to Grade 12 and come college was when she finally started doing all of her classes in English before than she took all her classes in Spanish. So she's relatively real new to the English language in all the sense of the word. She feels as if she's doing her very best with her writing and everyone who has ever left a rude message in her stories with saying how bad her writing is READ THIS! and tell her how well you would do yourselves. She has improved vastly from where she started but she still needs to learn however be kind and understanding also.


I'm reposting my stories here and I pray I dont get flames I got a new Beta so new stories I Write will be edited old ones wont be. Keep in mind also some of my stories I write solely on my phone.

UD Jan 13, 2020

If you all have noticed Im not updating The Summer Raven on here. All of my stories are on AO3 and slowly some will be cross posted to Wattpad. I have lost the will to post on this site I only get negative comments and hardly any praise and the last straw was a comment by a coward guest saying I made up the death of my friend Catherine whom I miss dearly just to get reviews which was never the case. This site is Cancer and I'm tired of people messaging me to write stories for them yet they never comment on my stories on here. Enough! Grow up! Ive had it with posting on this site.

Feb 16 2020.

It's a sad day today due to people posting my work in apps with out my concent I decided to take off all my works from EVERYWHERE FOREVER I will not be writing Fanfiction to post I'll only be writing it for myself and my close loved ones. I'm not ok with my works posted elsewhere and thing is taking it off legally is too much for my stress and well being I'm an Adult Child I can't handle certain things legal stuff is one of them so sadly the year 2020 my last year ever writing ANY fanfiction for the public.

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