Just In
Dream of the Night PM
Joined Aug '06

Hi, I am Dream of the Night. I decided on this name because I used to get a lot of story ideas from my dreams. Unfortunately, my talents lie more with dialogue and not actual stories.

My favorite types of pairings are the light and dark. Not necessarily good/evil, but pairings like Belle and Beast, Persephone and Hades, or Gajeel and Levy.

I really like cross-overs. My favorite cross overs are with Hermione. Naruto, Supernatural, Sherlock, Avengers, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and yes even Twilight. I am always on the look out for cross overs. I also like the Marriage Law plots and Dramione as well :) Other pairings I like: Auron/Rikku (FFX), Rogue/Wolverine (Adult Rogue), Rogue/Remy (of course), Wendy/Hook (adult Wendy), Alice/Jasper(Twilight, but I never read them), Jareth/Adult Sarah. I discovered fanfiction in the early 2000s and I have been hooked ever since.

My favorite cross-overs are "Mischeif Managed" and "Blink of the Gods" both by corvusdraconis. These amazing Hermione/Loki stories have wonder plots and a fully fleshed out culture for the Jotunn. Truly enjoyable reads. This author has written a number of amazing stories and continues to do so.

My favorite HPxAnime cross over is a Sailor Moon one called "Hogwart's Secret Scandal" by Heroine of the Valley because the Senshi are reborn as witches and wizards so they belong in Hogwarts and the author gave them new abilities. It is funny and has a great plot.

My favorite story within the fandom is "The Problem with Purity" by Phoenix.Writing. It is a SevXMione and HarryXDraco. This story is amazing and has a lot of interesting ideas that fit into this universe Spoilers: This story contains magical animagus forms, clever fighting tactics, OP Harry and Hermione, and quite a bit of angsty misunderstandings and sweet make-ups.

For a great laugh, check out all of the "Harry the Hufflepuff" stories by BajaB. Harry is a master at being lazy, but still finds himself in all kinds of situations.

None of these writers asked me to post on their stories, I just wanted to share the love.

I am a little critical, but usually keep my thoughts to myself so if I have reviewed your story, I couldn't contain how awesome I thought it was.

A humble request to writers who use lots of letters in your writing: Please be aware that some of us use the voice option on the app. If you type something like Hhhhrrrrrrrrrr, the app will read all of it letter for letter. Please consider shorter letters. This goes the same for dividers in the chapter. Thank you.

Thank you fanfiction writers for expanding how I look at the world and the stories I know and love. Please feel free to pm me with good stories to read (even if you are just promoting yours).

Keep writing!

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