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Favorite Stories 17
66Where You'd Least Expect It » by JessicaJ She doesn't know him as well as the others, though friendship is sometimes a resilient thing to grow; all it takes is a little persistence- something which Tifa doesn't lack. What grows there instead, was not what they expected.
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Romance & Suspense, chapters: 12, words: 49k+, favs: 34, follows: 37, updated: 11/7/2017 published: 10/21/2010, Tifa L., Reeve T.
77Waltzing in the Rain » by Twin-Lance It all revolved around Rinoa's birthday. Finally old enough to be considered an adult, she can stop hiding out as a teenage runaway and explore the woman she wants to be. Little does Squall know that she has life changing plans for his future as well. Bridges will be mended and relationships will be healed. Takes place 8 months after the game. Written for the WiBi challenge.
Final Fantasy VIII, T, English, Romance & Fantasy, chapters: 11, words: 50k+, favs: 52, follows: 65, updated: 12/29/2013 published: 10/3/2012, Squall L., Rinoa H., Laguna L., Ellone
42Vengeance Will Be Served » by Saber Wing Tragedy strikes, leaving behind a broken knight and far more questions than answers. What sinister forces are at work? Slowly but surely they pick up the pieces, and time moves on. Does the clock tick in their favor, or does death loom on the horizon?
Final Fantasy VIII, T, English, Drama & Suspense, chapters: 11, words: 36k+, favs: 16, follows: 20, updated: 8/13/2013 published: 9/23/2010, Laguna L., Squall L.
219The Dog, The Girl and The Walk in Closet » by Nine-Dead-Alps After accidentally stumbling into Ivalice, Edie is desperate to get back. Yet how come the Viera are wary of her? And how come both Al-Cid and The Gran Kiltias Anastasis claim to know her?
Final Fantasy XII, T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 38, words: 233k+, favs: 114, follows: 114, updated: 4/12/2013 published: 8/2/2009, Basch
58 where silence has lease » by Eternal Tiet If life was a book that's meant to be read, could one line change the course of the story? Sometimes, it's better those words were left unwritten. Written by Ashbear.
Final Fantasy VIII, T, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 4, words: 15k+, favs: 14, follows: 7, updated: 8/31/2012 published: 8/8/2012, Rinoa H., Squall L.
20 Fifteen Minutes Old by Summoner Luna He thought he had found the limits to love, but now he knows, there are no limits to love. [SquallxRinoa. Post-game. The way we grow together.] [Written for the Where I Belong Challenge.]
Final Fantasy VIII, T, English, Romance & Family, words: 10k+, favs: 48, follows: 5, 8/9/2012, [Squall L., Rinoa H.]
271Learning Curve Continuum » by Fenikkusuken COMPLETE. Skewed Canon; set in-game. Picks up where the main action of 'Learning Curve' left off and re-tells the FF7 story with more twists than a bag of Zoloms.
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 22, words: 173k+, favs: 190, follows: 108, updated: 5/3/2012 published: 10/22/2010, Cloud S., Tifa L.
23 I'm Trying » by IronicEnding While Squall has been called away for a mission, Rinoa makes a startling discovery about her beloved. Will some innocent snooping reveal more than Rinoa wish she knew? Or will it bring two lovers closer together? SquallxRinoa. Complete.
Final Fantasy VIII, T, English, Romance, chapters: 2, words: 9k+, favs: 45, follows: 9, updated: 2/13/2012 published: 2/11/2012, Squall L., Rinoa H.
7 Guilty Pleasures by Radkis "Sometimes exposing your wounds is the only way to show people you've changed." Tifa x Rufus. Post-Advent Children Oneshot. Gift-fic for Missyluv. Minor orange references.
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 25, follows: 4, 9/26/2011, Tifa L., Rufus
7 Wasn't It Always Perfect? » by OriginalChocobo Cloud can't help but relive the days that led up to this... A ClouTi that can be a bit depressing. Rated T for very slight innuendo.
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 7, words: 4k+, favs: 7, follows: 4, updated: 2/28/2011 published: 2/5/2011, Cloud S., Tifa L.
11Blinded by the Light » by Naela Legends speak of a god who was responsible for the sorceress power. Forces obsessed with the myth cause chaos for Garden while Squall and the others must decipher the mysteries of the ancient past in order to prevent the end of the near future.
Final Fantasy VIII, T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 4, words: 17k+, favs: 4, follows: 7, updated: 2/24/2011 published: 10/2/2010, Squall L., Rinoa H.
21 Bedroom Borders by Ava Chanel It can be difficult sharing a bed with a stranger...CloudxTifa one-shot, post-AC.
Final Fantasy VII, K+, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 97, follows: 16, 2/20/2011, Cloud S., Tifa L.
14 Galian and his Kilt » by Facepalmistry Valentine's Day: Vincent is rather annoyed, Yuffie's feeling amorous and tricksome, and Galian is highly amused...and bored. Surely this cannot end well... Complete!
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 9k+, favs: 30, follows: 7, updated: 2/14/2011 published: 2/12/2011, Vincent V., Yuffie K.
4 City Heat by Carie Valentine During the hottest point of the year in the city of Rabanastre, Basch and Ashe create heat of their own.
Final Fantasy XII, M, English, Romance, words: 4k+, favs: 15, follows: 3, 1/25/2011, Ashe, Basch
92A Different Sort of Love Story » by sissyHIYAH Selphie said Quistis was too young for the mighty Galbadian general, Zell thought it was creepy, and Rinoa was just plain furious...after all, her father wasn't supposed to date her friends. Ew! Page breaks previously deleted by ffnet have been replaced.
Final Fantasy VIII, T, English, Romance, chapters: 13, words: 62k+, favs: 21, follows: 24, updated: 1/17/2011 published: 1/20/2009, Quistis T., General Caraway
7 Moisture on Blond Lashes by anneka59 Because everyone wonders what it would take to make Basch crack and show a little genuine emotion. Set immediately after the first half of the ending scenes, aboard the Strahl.
Final Fantasy XII, T, English, Angst & Romance, words: 3k+, favs: 11, follows: 1, 8/26/2010, Basch, Ashe
163 Allure of Honey by Sinnatious Cloud winds up in an outfit he swore he would never wear again. Crossdressing. Everyone/Cloud.
Dissidia: Final Fantasy, T, English, Humor & Romance, words: 4k+, favs: 877, follows: 102, 11/4/2009, Cloud S., Sephiroth
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