Just In
Kokou PM
Joined Aug '06

Hi, my name's Kokou, which is Japanese for Jaws of Death. Also, Kokou is the name of one of the characters in the story Biryou and I are writing (when it's uploaded, it will be under her name). We are currently really far away from each other, so progress will be slow. The same will be true for my own fics, as I am normally up until at least 1:00 AM working on homework. Anyway, let me tell you a little about myself.

Name: Kokou

Age: Who cares? I'm in high school. Let's just leave it at that.

Gender: If you must know, I'm a girl.

Favorite Animals: Wolves, wolves, and wolves.

Favorite Animes:

Inu Yasha
Wolf's Rain (WOLF!)
Card Captor Sakura
Eureka 7
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Spider Riders
Yu-Gi-Oh! G/X
Darker than Black
Fate/Stay Night (Funny story 'bout this one, actually. We were watching episode 11 in Anime Club one day. When it got to a really exciting part, it went on intermission. We, being the idiots that we are, believed that the episode had gone off. I think there would have been a riot if it actually had. The funny thing is, everyone had been complaining about how we wern't watching Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei anymore until that point.).

Favorite Books:

Harry Potter
Fire Bringer (not the book series)
The Sight
And Then There Were None
White Fang
Phoenix Rising
The Dragonvarld Trilogy (by Margaret Weis)
Call of the Wild

Favorite T.V. shows:

Prison break
White Fang
That 70s Show
Lost (haven't seen this one in a really long time)
Law and Order

Favorite Cartoons:

Danny Phantom
The Simpsons
Jimmy Neutron

Favorite Fanfic Quotes

“Just because a bird is black doesn’t mean it is evil, Harry,” Dumbledore replied softly, but loud enough for most everyone to hear.

“Correct Headmaster,” I said pleased with where this was going. “And just because we are Slytherins, doesn’t mean we are evil. Just because others are light wizards doesn’t mean that they are entirely good. Just because someone is old, doesn’t mean they are wise. Just because someone is powerful doesn’t mean they are strong. Just because someone makes a mistake doesn’t mean they are irredeemable. Just because someone has knowledge doesn’t mean they are smart. Just because someone has killed doesn’t mean they should be condemned. And just because I said this, doesn’t make it truth. So tell me Professor, which one are you?”

~Chasm of Darkness by Twinfetish

Favorite TV Show Quotes: (I have a lot of favorites)

"From the great spirit was born the wolf and man became its messanger"-Book of the Moon (Wolf's Rain)

Sora: Tell me how you like your eggs and I'll do the best I can.
Joe: I prefer my eggs to be covered in salt and pepper, but I guess it doesn't really matter.
Tai: I like soy sauce.
Matt: How about salsa?
Sora: How about a reality check?
Izzy: I'll have mine with mustard and jellybeans, please.
Tai: Oh, gross!
T.K.: Jellybeans. That sounds good.
Mimi: What? You're all weird! My favorite is eggs covered in maple syrup! Sometimes I like to eat them with cherries on top!
Tai: Now that's weird!
T.K.: But I bet it's good.
Joe: You guys are completely making me lose my appetite! I mean, come on. Jellybeans and cherries on eggs? That's just crazy talk! Salt and pepper is all they need. Keep it simple. That's always been my motto.

Izzy: "Well it's about the egg. The egg has already hatched! Tai looks at the egg he is holding Not that egg! a Digiegg!"(Digimon: The Movie)

Tai : "I can't believe Sora's gonna read my letter. Wait a minute, unable to deliver?! I can't believe she's not gonna read my letter! You try to tell a girl you're sorry and your computer shuts you down!" Tai falls out of chair (Digimon: The Movie)

TK: Hmm.
Digimon Emperor: I don't remember sending you an invitation! I must admit, you've got a lot of nerve sneaking into the base of the most powerful being in the Digital World!
TK: Hmm. laugh
Digimon Emperor: What's so funny?
TK: Let me ask you something, Ichijouji. Don't you think it's time you gave up on this little charade? It's getting old. You say you're the most powerful being in the Digital World, and yet you have no idea about the powers that are here. You're a pretender. You're like that story "The Emperor's New Clothes".
Digimon Emperor: You're nobody! Not like me! You will bow down before me!
TK: Sorry, the floor's kind of dirty.
Digimon Emperor: YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME!
The Digimon Emperor cracks his whip and it hits TK in the face.
Patamon: gasp
TK just touches the wound with his hand, and shrugs it off
TK: When you can't think of anything to say, do you always resort to fighting?
Digimon Emperor: I...guess.
TK: That's your problem. You don't know when to talk and when to fight. Now is a good time to talk. On the other hand, it's also a good time to fight!
TK jumps at the Digimon Emperor, and punches him (One of my favorite scenes of all time! Yay violent TK!)

(TK in the school quad area with Kari)
TK: You're gonna quit? Give up just like that? Look Kari, I care too much about you to let anyone take you without a fight! (Kari gasps) Uhh...uhh sorry...I better go now...I'll talk to you later?

(TK running along the beach, looking for Kari)
Patamon: TK wait for us!
Gatomon: Yeah TK let us be your advance-mon. You're a lover not a fighter.

Kari: Thanks for coming after me TK, I really appreciate it.
TK: It's okay Kari, I know you'd do the same for me.
Kari: Hey TK, remember this morning when you said you really cared for me...what did you mean by that?
TK: Huh?...well you know, its just...stuff.
Kari: Well, you know what?...I care for you, too.

Davis: Hey Veemon, have you noticed how chummy T.K. and Kari are together? Why do you think that is?
Veemon: Maybe they're identical twins that look completely different.

TK: Angemon! I haven't seen you in a while!
Davis: (Stunned) An...An...ANGEMON!?
Veemon: Hi there...big guy!

Davis: Veemon, tell me right now if you can digivolve into an Ange-something too? Ange-dinosaur-mon? Ange-soccer-player-mon?
Veemon: I just don't have it in me!
TK: He's still got a lot to learn.

Patamon: TK and Davis sure argue a lot. How come?
Veemon: Something about Kari. Human girls make human boys act sort of weird.

Davis: You stay here while I go get Kari.
TK: No, you stay here while I go get Kari.

Davis: Your kidding me! Angemon and Angewomon?
Patamon: That's right. We make a great team.
Davis: One question: Is there an Angebabymon too?
Patamon: Sometimes, he says the weirdest things.

TK: A coin that has "tails" on both sides? That's how I used to beat Matt.
Davis: How about that?
TK: Let's both go.
Davis: Ok, TM. Did you really use one of those coins on Matt?
TK: Yeah, that's how I got all my baseball cards and his old guitar.

TK: Together again.
Kari: Just like old times.
Davis(furiously thinking): That kid's trying to make a move on my girl!

Davis: Here, Kari, I'll hold your hand so you don't get scared.
Kari: I'm not scared!
TK: And it's not her hand, it's mine!
Davis: Oh, sorry, TJ.
Kari: And that's not his name, it's TK!

Patamon: I thought that all cats landed on their feet.
Gatomon: Shut up.

T.K.: (as MegaSeadramon attacks the oil platform) This is really going to hike up oil prices!

Davis: I bet she had a lot of bad stuff to say about me. Like I chew my toenails and spit them out on the floor, that I sucked my thumb untill about a month ago, that I wet the bed every Thursday, it was luandry day so it was okay. Well she talks to much! And when I see her again, I'll teach her a leason!
Matt: Thanks for sharing big mouth but she didn't say any of that stuff, in fact she didn't mention you at all!

Davis: I'm surprised you're not worried about Kari's well-being, TA!
TK: TA ?
Cody: He forgot how to spell TK!
(everybody laughing)

Upamon: It's the Forbidden Valley of No Return!
Kari: Why do bad guys always name things like that?
TK: It's in their job description! It's right after really stinky breath!
Cody: Even if this place was called 'The Valley of Duckies and Bunnies', with a control spire there, there's trouble.

Kari: Good luck Davis!
Yolei: Don't forget to hug Ken!
Tai: Give him a kiss, too!

Davis: I have to hand it to TK. He really risked himself to save Patamon. What a friend.
Flamedramon: Would you try to protect me if I was in danger, Davis?
Davis: Well...maybe...
Flamedramon: Maybe? MAYBE?! What about definately?!

Tai: I'm sorry we attacked you, Agumon!
Agumon: I'm sorry, too!
Tai: And I'm sorry that you're sorry!
Agumon: And I'm sorry that you're sorry that I'm sorry!
Tai: I'll tell you what. I won't be sorry anymore, and you won't be sorry anymore, either!
Agumon: Sorry!

TK: Wait a sec! We can’t go into the digital world tomorrow, anyway! I forgot we have big plans!
Davis: What plans? What do you mean, ‘we’?
Kari: He means plans with me, Davis.
Davis: Ahhh! Are you talking about a date together?
Kari: Of course not, silly.
Davis: You two have a date to do fractions? What gives?
TK: No, Davis, that’s a DATE, not a FRACTION! Tomorrow marks the day the digidestined defeated Myotismon!
Cody: Davis thought it was a fraction!
(everyone laughs)
Davis: Well, how could I know they started putting math in calendars?
TK: Do you guys want to come with us?
Davis: On your DATE?
Kari: I told you, it's not a date!
Davis: Do you promise, Kari?

T.K.: (Concerning the base) Wow, it looks like something straight out of a science-fiction movie.
Davis: Yeah, and I'm the hotshot pilot who rescues Princess Kari.
Kari: He said science-fiction, not fantasy.

Davis: (After BlackWarGreymon parts the sea) Who does he think he is, Moses?

Davis: Oh-No, I forgot to kiss Kari under the mistoe!
Tai: He never quits. Davis take it from me you'll never learn about women.

Yolei: What do you guys wanna play?
Davis: How about strip-(Ken's mom interrupts)

News Reporter: I don't believe it! One of the strange monsters had a strange light hit him in a strange way, which turned him into another strange monster. This is all really strange!

Joe: Cody and I will do the heave, you guys do the ho. And heave!
Ikkakumon & Digmon: Go!
Joe: I didn't say go, I said ho.
Ikkakumon: Joe?
Joe: No, ho. Ho! Ho!
Hogan: (dressed as Santa Claus) Did somebody say "Ho, ho, ho!"?

Willis: I need to be alone right now.
Davis: Great! I'll come with you.

Angemon: That's it!
Angewomon: We have to stop it! Before you know it, we'll be changing diapers!

Davis: (to a guy) Excuse me! I'm begging you! Can I borrow your laptop?
Ken: Uh, Davis... What are you doing?
Davis: We have to connect to the internet and transfer our power to Kari. Please mister, I'll be your eternal slave forever if you just lend me your computer for a minute, plus I'll throw in five bucks (he hands over laptop to Davis).

Kari: Where are they, Angewomon? I don't see them.
Angewomon: Don't worry, Kari. Angemon and I will find them.
Angemon: Maybe I should've taken a left at the search engine.
Angewomon: I told you to stop and ask for directions! OH! (to herself) Just like a man!

Favorite Couples:

TK/Kari (Takari) (Digimon)
Matt/Sora (Sorato) (Digimon)
Takato/Rika (Digimon)
Koji/Zoe (Kozumi) (Digimon)

Sakura/Syaoran (Card Captor Sakura)

Jaden/Alexis (Yu-Gi-Oh! G/X)

Ash/Misty (Pokemon)

Harry/Draco (Harry Potter) (Just got into this one pretty recently. It's addictive.)
Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter)
Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter)
Sirius/Remus (Harry Potter) (Just got into this one as well.)

Kar/Larka (The Sight)

Jake/Cassie (Animorphs)
Rachel/Tobias (Animorphs)
Seely/Temperance (Bones)

Danny/Sam (Danny Phantom)

Aang/Katara (Avatar)

Jimmy/Cindy (Jimmy Neutron)
Sheen/Libby (Jimmy Neutron)

Ashitaka/San (Princess Mononoke)

Haku/Chihiro (Spirited Away)

I finally finished "Welcome to My Life." What a relief! Now I can work on this dang story that I keep writing in my sleep (I'm being 100 percent literal and serious here). I can only update on our week-long breaks, and even that's pushing it. My teachers have a tendency to assign us packets and essays and stuff. I mean, the thing about a break is that it's supposed to be a break, not "let's load 'em down with homework so they can't do anything fun" time! Sorry, had to get that out. Anyway, for the reason stated above, I beg any readers out there to be patient with me.

If you want to help a little werewolf girl, please click on this link. BiteFight

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