I started writing fanfiction at 12, on paper. The internet wasn't around back then. Then the internet appeared and I consumed a disgusting amount of X-Files and Stargate fanfic. I'm old (husband&kid-kind of old) and I realize now that fanfic life is not just for your teenage and young adult years. Oh no. I don't write it anymore but I always have WIPS in my head I've been plotting a post-ME3 fic for the last 2 years and there's little reason for me to think I'll ever actually publish.
At least 4 times a year I go on a fanfic binge of Mass Effect fanfiction. Or Criminal Minds or, my latests, Cold Case.
I'm in that group of people who played Mass Effect once, had some sort of emotional collapse due to deep immersion in the game, recovered from it for a year and then needed to play again. I cried at the end, again. Immediately after finishing the second round I knew I wanted to play again...with mods.
Also I have the softest spot in my heart for Emily Prentiss from Criminal Minds and the actress who plays her. I was a wreck when she and JJ got fired out of the blue and stopped watching the show. Only after around 6 years I was able to go back to it. I also binge on Criminal Minds when stress levels are high.
I love fanfic and fanfic writers and fandom and that is never going to change, no matter how old I get, I'll always be a fangirl.