Just In
berkie88 PM
Joined Oct '06

I once decided it would be a good idea to have all the stories I like/follow in my favoriteslist... Though now it is possible to put over 500 in the list, then I could only put 150 stories in it... so now I have 4 accounts! Though not all are for the same fandom. Since I now put everything in my alertlist, my favoriteslist hasn't been updated in a LONG time so it's rather outdated. I don't feel like cleaning it up so I'm just going to add my absolute faves here!

Final Fantasy VII:

HP/YGO crossovers:


All so far, but I don't feel like going through my alertlist at the moment 0_~

My avator is by sakura_blossom5 on xsugar_guitarx

I am not a writer. I wouldn't be good at it. Unless you want a really weird story that reads like the writer was on crack.
English is not my first language. While I can pick up mistakes in others rather easily, I miss my own quite often, not to mention the typos that I rarely bother to check for.

On story alerts and reviews:

I don't update my favoriteslist, I put everything on my alert list. Everything, from the stories I really loved, to the stories I find interesting enough to follow, whether they are complete or not. So, if you're story is complete, it's not on there because I'm still hoping for updates (unless you mentioned you might update anyway).

I like pointing out plotholes and asking questions. I do this because I like the story, I think it's good, and I want to keep it that way. If you've made a note you don't want constructive criticism I likely won't review, as I'm never sure what is just a question and what is pointing out possible errors. If all I can think of to comment is 'nice chapter', I won't review, just as I won't review if all I have is criticism, as I believe in 'If you can't find anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'. If I ever cross a line somewhere, please tell me, then I'll know not to do that again.

Request! If anyone decides to visit here, can you please click this link and then click one of the pictures? Because they need to be clicked to grow...


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