Just In
Bub3loka PM
Joined Feb '19

Name: Call me Bub

Sex: Male

Gender: You serious?

Age: Old enough to know how to use a rotary phone

Media I would write Fanfiction on: ASOIAF, HP, Naruto, PJO, One Piece and RWBY.

Chapter lengths: 4k-7k words should be expected from my chapters. Rarely will you find anything higher than 10k.

What to expect from my stories: 1) I write for my own enjoyment.

2) Slow burns... I love to take my time developing my world and characters. My stories are 30% planned and 70% as it goes, once I start typing a scene it gets a life of its own and I won't stop until I feel the characters I am writing are satisfied with their portrayal. This usually results in scenes that could probably have been summarized in a few paragraphs but end up taking an entire chapter. Naturally, this means all of my stories will be epic in length.

3) I have a lot of ideas for stories, but I would rather finish one of my projects first before I release more.

4) My stories will always have a Mature tag because I cba to worry about people's feelings. NSFW for safety, if you would.

5) No Bashing! I will repeat that as many times as I need to, I do not bash any characters unless they were written that way.

My thoughts on Pairings: Any pairing can be a good pairing if written well and keeping it real in the context of the setting!!

My thoughts on Harems: If you write them well, multi-pairings are possible, but you can't make it a polyamorous sex club and call it a day.

Current works: (in order of priority)

A Lament of Snow and Magic (ASOIAF/HP) Book! Jon transmigrates into Harry Potter as they both lay dying from mutiny and Basilisk venom respectively. I won't invest as much world building due to the fact HP has been developed a lot in the fanon community, but I will delve heavily into politics and a new system for that world; Wildlands. Their explanation is in chapter seven, but basically they are the planet's way of protecting magical creatures.

Pairing will be a secret for now, but it won't be Hermione nor Ginny.

No Bashing of any characters!! I hate that shit. Dumbledore isn't evil either.

A Hero for the Maiden (PJO/ASOIAF) Percy wakes up in an alley in Kingslanding during the bread riots. Saves Sansa and shenanigans occur. Sansa is a few years older (14 going 15 during the riots) and they will be the main pairing. This will follow the book events BUT I will be taking some liberty in retconning things that did not make sense and making it more believable (Tywin outpacing the Blitzkrieg comes to mind.) Consider it AU canon divergence.

The Arc Moon System (RWBY) a Lite System featuring our favorite vomit boy. Expect AU elements and changing of events to suit my own writing style. Most of the changes are expanding on the world and giving it more life and flavor, but I will also not shy from topics RT would not dare touch with the current political climate. I have already written an outline for beyond Beacon, but it will be a slow burn. I will be incorporating minor crossovers and characters from other media as well.

A Piece of Divinity (PJO/OP) Percy remembers his promise to Calypso to release her from her prison. After an altercation in camp, he learns of the prophecy in the worst way possible. Percy leaves camp, forms a team with two friends, picking up a couple of strays on the way, and sails to Ogygia. Things happen and they find themselves in One Piece years before Luffy sets out.

Main Pairing will be Percy/Calypso. Rachel and Tyson are underrated so they will be the main core of the crew, with the two strays also being very underused (SPOILER it's Hylla and Reyna.) I plan for a few One Piece characters to join as well as some OCs.

This is a long term project that would take years to finish.

All of my stories will be cross released on FFN, QQ and AO3

If you would like to leave me a tip, or read up to five chapters ahead, I have a Pa(tr)eon under the same name.

I have a Discord server (discord DOT gg SLASH rvxqmhqnqh) Remove the space and replace the words then voila. Most importantly, I put post all my announcements on Discord. If I do not upload a chapter on time (Usually every Friday there will be an update) then check Discord announcements to see what's up.

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