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Joined Nov '01

It's been a long time since I've written fanfiction. But I think it will be a fun and relaxing way to keep myself writing while I edit my own original things. I'll try and update my stuff fairly regularly, and I'll let you know here, on my profile, if I ever plan on not updating for a little while. As mentioned, I am in the middle of editing my own original fiction, so fanfiction takes a back seat to it.

"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams

I'm currently stuck on: Harry Potter, One Piece, and Naruto.

The Harry Potter book series:

I love the Harry Potter Series.

I do feel, however, that Rowling was building a very wide-open, mysterious and magical world, and after the fifth book, well, that world started becoming a lot smaller. And I thought the payoffs didn't always merit it. For one thing, the fifth's book plot, well, was anyone surprised by that? I don't even know why Harry was. And the Seventh book, well, it had some high moments, but more low moments, for me. I mean, I think every book is very well-done and well-written. And maybe it's because I'm older, so I analyze the books more than I should. I still think it's a series that has forever changed me as a reader and writer, and I'm proud of that fact.

The Twilight book series:

I actually quite enjoyed Books 1 & 2. True, Bella doesn't really DO anything, and she probably describes Edward's appearance way too much, but, you know, Edward was pretty mysterious for the first half of Book 1, and Jacob totally made everything great about Book 2 (especially because Bella's completely crazy for most of Book 2). Not going to lie, Book 3 really killed the Twilight vibe for me. It took me three months to get through the book and I haven't even picked up Book 4 because how angry and disgusted I was by Book 3.

Makes it really hard to write Twilight stuff...


The Ward Keeper: A HP/Twilight Crossover.

DEAD - I hate doing this, but I'm focused so much on RL work and my own original writing, and since reading Book 3 of Twilight really killed the Twilight side of my interests, not sure I'll ever return to this fic. That, and AOL temporarily cancelling my email account (which was really odd and annoying), I just wandered away from for a long time. I apologize - I know how frustrating reading a fic that will never be finished is. Anything I ever post again on this site I'll make sure to have a complete first draft before even thinking of posting. These chapter will remain for a while longer, but ultimately I'll take them down soon.

Currently Working On:

Original Writing

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