Just In
chavon13 PM
Joined Feb '07

Alright, well, I dont know how well this is going to go, but I'll give it a shot. Here's a little bit of info about me.

Name: Ashley. Insanely unoriginal, but you learn to love it.

Age: I just turned 18. The next thing on my To Do List is to buy a pack of cigarettes, and then throw them away. I dont smoke...but I'm allowed to now. Why waste a whole law?!

JOB: At the moment, I'm gearing up for my first year of college. Wish me luck...

Gender: I'm a girl, I suppose. That's what my doctor told me anyway.

Fan fiction(reading): Oh don't even get me started. Let's see. If I just had to narrow it down...For Harry Potter it would most definitely be Slytherins Kick ASS's and C. Adrien Cummings. The only other fics I read are Kingdom Hearts, and anything written by Dualism is just delightful. You guys rock!

Time-Killers: Reading(fan fiction and otherwise); writing(fan fiction and otherwise); a bit of TV here and there; my ultimate addiction...MapleStory...seriously it's pretty awesome.

Fan fiction(writing): At the moment all I have written is my Harry Potter Fan Fiction, Mr. Big Stuff, but in the future I plan to branch out into Kingdom Hearts. I want to beat KH1 again first, then play Chain of Memories, which I'm just starting, and then beat KH2 again. It may be a while people.

Rant of the year: I actually got this idea from Dualism's page. Great author. Please check her out. OK, Now my rant of the year(probably month knowing me). This probably shouldn't be on this site...maybe on a Fan Fiction bashing site,but here goes. Fan fictions, people, are not written by people who cant come up with plot lines and characters of their own. If I hear one more person saying this, I will be forced to knock them unconscious. Fan fictions are for people who can take something, mold it, shape it, and change it into something new and original. If you don't like fan fiction, fine, don't like it, but don't insult the people with the talent and passion to make fan fiction!

OK then, dear people. If you feel we may have something in common, feel free to add me to MSN. The addy is...please don't be alarmed or scared, the address is from about 7 almost 8 years ago... crunk_from_da_atl@. and yes I am aware that it's a yahoo address. It works for MSN too. That is all for today. Enjoy your reading

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