this is completely pointless but whatever, itsokay i havent completely abandoned you guys ive just been busy as hell and have alot of shit to put up with ill probably be sumiting a bit more if i can get this god damned computer to fucking work
Name: call me either Cairo or Phoenix i will respond to both
Gender: Female
Fav Anime:Beyblade,Naruto, InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist
Fav Movies: Final Fantasy VII Advent Cildren
Fav Games: Final Fantasys VII, VII Dirge of Ceberus, VII Crisis Core, VII Last Order, VIII, X, X2, Kingdom Hearts 1&2,
Fav Non-Anime: 10 things i hate about you
Warning: alright i have no problem with constructive criticism, on the other hand i have better shit to do then read a bunch of dumb ass reviews that are completly non constructive and tell me how shitty of a writer i am... i already fucking know and i really dont need to be told. just because some of you morons cant handle my style of writing that doesnt mean i have to take your shit so if you have a problem either get over it, take it up with your attorney or SHOVE IT UP YOUR GOD DAMNED ASS!! good day and good bye
Phoenix or Cairo... out