Just In
Joined May '07

Pen name: hanaler87

Age: 16

Gender: Fille

Nationality: Filipino

Country: Philippines (currently in: United States)

My Current Status: I'm sorry guys but I might be stuck on being on hiatus for a quite a while. I have too much work and I have saturday schools. I wanted to graduate early and I need a certain amount of credits. I'm sorry if I "abandoned" my ongoing fic but I'll try hard to update it. Maybe, I'll try working on it this winter break! :))

Current Obsession: ~ Korean Dramas and Idols! ~ esp. 2ne1 and Big Bang, who I really adore so much. And, it's unfortunate asian/american celebrities and asian dramas fanfic doesn't apply on this site. Oh well~ And btw, I'm a DaraGon fan. If you are, feel free to talk to me about it. :))

About Me:

FINALLY A SENIOR!! :)) I'll be graduating at early June next year.

(I'm a sophomore, but supposedly, a senior in my home country. Well, let me explain it. In my current school (USA), they evaluated me based on my age that's why they pushed me back from my junior life back to become a lowly freshman. Saddening, isn't it? People want to kick their asses off outta school and here I am, going back to high school and doing the same old routine. But I can also get something good from it though: More fun. High school is where fun starts. Don't you ever dare disagree with me or you're gonna find yourself in an asylum. Sike. I'm not a devil! I admit, I got some horns but still tiny litte ones that aren't even enough to send me to jail.)

Enough with that. I'm the type of person who, most of the time, wants to be alone. LEAVE ME ALONE, is a sentence which I'm used to using already. I'm not really a loner but I'm not also the 'socialite' type. I'm a little bit charismatic (not intending to brag) but I don't want to waste all of it to people who aren't even worth it. The hell with them. I'm really frank but in a candid kind of way, I also choose my words, ya know. Based on observations, most of the people's first impression on me are 'vain' or 'mean' or something like that. Peope say I give off an aura that says, "Back off. I'M passin' through." which is very unfriendly. I was like, WOW! I'm not even half of what you think. People say it must have been my eyebrows which are arched in a mean-kind of way which gives off a 'mean' look. I really don't smile to people I don't know, maybe because they might think "What the hell is wrong with her?!" but somehow, I'm getting used to it right now since people also smile in the US as a greeting...even if you don't know them.

I am really friendly (don't be shy to talk to me or even, afraid. XD) and I can be very craaaazy. I'm such a bad liar, white lies don't count. XD You can entrust me with your secrets because I'm not the kind of person who can't live without spilling the beans. I'm not really a gossip but I'm the type who won't stop before learning the truth. So, better try to hide those little secrets you don't want me to know, okay? Hahaha.

I also have a lot of negative aspects. I am hot-tempered and moody. My friends exaactly know what to do when I'm in a seriously bad mood, "Stay away from me.". Because I usually vent my anger on things and people nearest to me. There was one time, I threw a very big remote (because it's the one closest to me) on my brother since he's closest to me too. Weird, isn't it? Well, for people who knew me, it's kinda normal. But don't be afraid to approach me or to talk to me because I won't bite. Just don't get to my bad side, though. Hahaha.

Well, as of my writing, I was glad I improved a lot during these past 3 years. Whenever I look back at my writings when I was still 12, I can just laugh endlessly. I mean, how can I publish this really poor-written story? Well, I'm not really saying that as of now, I'm already incredible, it's just that, I am glad that all of my hard work learning and reading paid off and eventually made an improvement. I'm also not saying that I'm already at my best. Learining don't have any limitations, right? I also have some issues in writing. I have such a hard time doing the romance parts in the story and I can frequently make the chapter/story really dragging. I'm not the fast pacer kind of type and I put everything into details which are both good and bad things. Good because there'll be no confusions later on (I think?) and also bad because it is the main factor of making a story begin to get dragging and boring. Well, everybody have flaws.

I have a cousin here in FFN, which I'm very close to and we used to hang out before I immigrated in the USA. Her penname is Seravee, and she really is good in writing. Well, she's the one who introduced to me FFN and we also have a joint account which is Hanayo which contains our joint fanfic in the Gakuen Alice category. Sorry we can't finish it ("Nightmare") fast and I know you guys are tired of waiting for so long but we will really do our best to finish it. There are a lot of reasons why we are on HIATUS. One, is because Seravee is off for college; Two, because we are so far apart. (She's on the east side of the map and I'm at the opposite or to say it simply: Her-Philippines; Me-USA); and Three, we or specifically ME, admit, laziness.

Mangas I like (not in order): Gakuen Alice, Parfait Tic, Marmalade Boy, Kodocha, Let's get Married!, Power!! (Girl Got Game), Heaven!!, Junai Tokkou Taichou!, Hana to Akuma, Charming Junkie, Hana to Akuma, Beast Master, Crimson Hero, Lovely Complex, NG Boy X Paradise, Koko ni Iru Yo!, Dear High School Gang Leader, Full moon wo sagashite, Fruits Basket, more!

Anime: Lovely Complex, Gakuen Alice, Full moon wo sagashite, DNAngel, Fruits Basket, Death Note, Tsubasa Chronicles, Shugo Chara, Aishiteruze Baby, Chobits, Cardcaptor Sakura, Claymore, Code Geass, Hayate no Gotoku!, Vampire Knight


"Star-crossed Lovers"

Imaginary Guy (Ch. 4) = http:///i/spire2/1ead9c8680b103f7d6c6487be26a171b1232078834_full.png

Tanaka Yukio = http:///image/cool20anime20guy/plokiy/animedude1.jpg?o=81

"Lover's Misunderstanding"

Suzuki = http:///image/anime20guy20with20silver20hair/Silver_Dragon90/Anime/AnimeGuy7.jpg


I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal
pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't
mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the
olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed
ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling
was ipmorantt! tahts so cool!

- If you could read that, put it in your profile - this from sarahpatrick

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