Hi my name is Wanda Marie I just moved to Texas with my sister and her family I am 50.5 I will be 51 on the 9 of November 1970 I am not a good speller but i do use spell check .I have a learning disability!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love to read even with the disability My favorite TV shows are Little House On The Prairie ,The Walton's, Highway To Heaven,Wold Wrestling Entertainment , and a lot more My favorite are movies are Harry Potter, Twilight Saga,Star Wars,Star Track, and a lot more i got my GED diploma on the 20 of June 2010 ya My favorite are books are Little House On The Prairie,Twilight,Anne Of Green Gabbles,Little women, and a lot more My favorite Arther's are Laura Ingalls Wilder, Leos May Alcott, L.L.Montgomery,Mark Twine, Charles Dickinson, and a lot more