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Joined Jun '07

I'm using this space to remember what quote came from what stories.

(Unless stated otherwise, the stories are from .)

“He was just a cute little kid, wandering around, minding his own business – suddenly daddy gives him a souvenir from Pharaoh-Land and bam! Up pops evil spirit number one. I think you’ll find that makes him the victim.” -Yami Malik to Yami Bakura (A Cat Completes A Home by Fiver)

"Despite his curiosity and rebellious streak, he would not defy his Alpha. Especially not when said Alpha was also his mate who would withhold sex if he disobeyed. Yes, Sirius had learned that lesson early on." -Sirus (The Curse of Fate by Mistress Nika)

“Sewing machines hate me. I mean, I tried touching one before. I swear to God it tried to eat my hand.” -Peter Parker to Mary Jane (Black Sustenance by Famira Damaris)

"Phone calls had been made, threats had been exchanged, blackmail had been suggested and many innocent lawn gnomes had lost their ceramic life.

In the end it was all worth it though. Yuugi had been successfully moved into Yami's apartment and the remaining lawn gnomes were planning a massive counterattack.

Life was good.

Unless you were a lawn gnome or a Yuugi.

Yuugi happened to be a Yuugi, though it was suspected there might have been some lawn gnome in him.

However, the massive war of the lawn gnomes that would span throughout the ages, inspiring several badly written books and an even worse movie, is currently irrelevant to Yuugi's life at this point." (Fiance by DaakuKitsune)

"...oddly enough Harry was more distressed by what Peter wore than by the looks they got every so often when they kissed in public parks. Peter chalked it up to New York being New York; gay was fine but unfashionable was unforgivable." -Peter Parker (Deserving by Hamilcar)

"Yes, Edgar. You do have Skettios, but you don’t even like that much. The only reason you have them is to have an excuse to invite [Nny] in and feed him. Like you’re his mother. Or like he’s your dog. Or your husband. You housewife." -Scriaban (a voice in Edgar's head from the story Vargas by Zarla) to Edgar on Nny (Forget It by TheExitDoor)

"[Nny] assumed he wouldn’t find things like sporks and water balloons, which was sort of sad;every home needed a spork." -Nny (Song Without A Name by Lady Yate-Xel)

“I’m quite skilled at vigilant, and I’m equally versed in baseball bat.” -Nny to Edgar (Song Without A Name by Lady Yate-Xel)

Note: I did not find Song Without A Name on , though it can be found here. I found it at /igtky/, where some of Zarla's fanfictions and fanart/favorite fanfiction can also be found, like Vargas and Forget It.

"Fuji could pull sexual innuendo out of rocks." -Tezuka on Fuji (Study of Sex by Shimegami)

"Mmy felt like Edgar’s goose cookie jar was staring at him. It probably was." -Jimmy (Blender by Chelle in Ashido)

“Curiosity was framed; stupidity killed that cat.” -Unknown

"The only thing that can come between a rushing girl and a party: her hair." -Danny Fenton (Glass Mirror by Bunny Bubble)

"Perfect diet strategy there – he could sell it and make a fortune. Have your best friend commit the ultimate betrayal by murdering your father, then just wait for the pounds to drop right off." -Harry Osborn (Bliss by toestastegood)

"It was just his luck that Seigaku had to have a tennis club whose members were part of the detestable species called morning persons." -Ryoma Echizen (Enigmatic Prey by nlblake)

“Promise. Slytherin honor.”

“Mm hm.”

A half-grin. “Oh, all right, I’ll swear on something else.” -Artemis and Draco (The Family Name by Elbereth in April)

"'Remember, Squeejee! Those are only there to stop stupid people from ramming their cars through buildings! We aren't stupid, so its okay if WE do it!'" -Todd (Dream With Me by ShiiLovesHim)

"Triumphant, Joey clapped a hand around Ryou’s shoulders. “Bingo! It’s in Bakura’s very nature to be a jerk! Jes’ like it’s in Yami’s nature to get all dramatic and start spoutin’ stuff about “Fate” and “heart of da cards” during a duel. Or like Seto, who’s naturally a stuck-up, anal-retentive girly-man! Y’see?”

Ryou stared in incredulity, before trying to smother an entirely inappropriate burst of the giggles. “How on earth is Kaiba girly?”

Joey shrugged, a little sheepish at having let that thought slip out. “Well, have you ever looked at his coat? It flares worse dan a hoop-skirt!” He chuckled ruefully. “An’ I should know – Serenity’s been takin’ a fashion course and has been sendin’ me pictures of old skirt styles for the past month.”

Ryou couldn’t help but dissolve into laughter at this point. “Jo-Joey! That’s awful!”

Joey’s grinned widened. “Awfully funny, you mean.”


“What? It’s true!”

Ryou shook his head. “I don’t think I’ll ever look at Kaiba the same way again.”

“Why?” Attracted by the laughter, Yuugi wandered over. “What did Kaiba do?”

Joey bit his lower lip to stop grinning. “Nothin’. He’s jes’ goin’ through a stage in his life, is all.”" -Joey (Night of Souls by Divey)

"Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then they beat you with experience." -Unknown

"Park benches were appalling paces to sit and seethe. The wooden slats dug into Ed’s back, making even a glowering slouch uncomfortable, and the damn things were always situated in particularly lovely places, tranquil and picturesque, making the maintenance of any decent sulk impossible for all but the most devoted tantrum-thrower. Edward was fortunately skilled at remaining angry for extended periods of time." -Edward Elric(A Blurring Of Lines by Demus)

"...not to mention that one afternoon when there was a bad thunderstorm, and Bee had calmly explained that Sam should turn off his computer, not take a shower, and have candles ready in case of a power outage—Sam did, of course, do what he was told. And then he promptly ran outside into the yard carrying a roll of aluminum foil and shouting into the sky: “Shock me!” Even though he did not have a heart, medically speaking, Bee finally understood what it meant to “be given a heart attack.”" -Bee (Beautiful Day by Aspirare)

"I killed robot heaven," he finally said quietly, shocked with himself. "Wow. I'm like the robot Satan or something." -Sam (The Spark by speccygeekgrrl in beexsam at )

Link: http:///beexsam/10429.html#cutid1

"But it’s a Leo thing to do. I swear, one day he’s gonna come home with a couple of swords sticking out of his shell and covered in blood, and he’ll tell us he cut himself shaving. Which is an image that’s both horrifying and blackly funny, and I don’t wanna dwell on it too long either way." -Michelangelo (Underdark by Nekotsuki)

"If you light a match for a man, he's warm for a minute. If you set a man on fire, he's warm for the rest of his life." -Cartman (Life is Better Under a Totalitarian Regrime by Seaouryou)

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