Uh, there's nothing impressive here. Just a boy trying to share stories with people. I'm a Christian and uh, I love anime but I'm no weeb and uh, I love learning new things. Joined ffn last year and I'm still a novice, still new to the whole being an author thing.
Have a blessed day. You are well, you are successful, the lord bless and keep you, the lord make his fae shine upon you.
Never think about attempting to take your own life. There's too much to explore for you to die. Too many videos to watch, too many fanfics to read, too many memories to make and share, too many cuisines to try, too many girls/boys to love and dump, to get married, grow old with your loved ones. You are just too unique to end your life because you are one in 7 billion. Hm, yes you are. I can't be you, you can't be me, even I you mimick me. I am me, you can never be like me, you are you, I can never be like you. You are unique.
I believe everybody is BEAUTIFUL, it all depends on perspective, wants, requirements. For example, some like thin ladies while some like plump ones, Some like tall guys while some like short guys. There's so many ways people describe beautiful and believe this, you are the person someone has been looking for, been waiting for all his life. It all depends on the category you're in.
About failures. Everyone fails and we learn from it, we work harder and bring out the best in us. Grades isn't everything, eating is! Man shall not live by bread alone but by different assortments of food commodities, even ones yet to be invented. Just kidding though. Reading and gaining kknowledge is important too but don't let it consume you. All work and no play makes(I don't want to offend anyone named jack) humans a dull homo sapiens?? God I am so confused!
Uh about talents. People say there are some people that don't have any talent but I tell you today, that it's a lie! A big fat colossal juicy meaty sticky wet enormous lie! Yeah, that's right, you have a talent, you just haven't discovered it yet. It's there inside you and the thing about talents is it's like an anime power. If you don't develop and exercise it, you won't be able to use it to your fullest potential. Its like a zanpakuto, you have to find it inside you. If you think you don't have a talent then I dare you to try something new today, like learn how to play a piano or join the football team, try acting, drawing, building, singing, graphics design, create your own channel on YouTube, comedy, even meme and sticker making, fashion business, tailoring, computers, online trading, betting (I will not be held responsible If you lose your money!) Cooking! Cleaning, sports start a blog or even start playing games(video and board games). Try anything, there's too many fields out there for you to call yourself talentless and after 6months, look back to the time you started. You would be amazed at your own improvement. Look at all those humans in T-shirts and shorts with funny hairstlyes and boots kicking a ball filled with air around a confined space with certain rules and regulations, a might coloured card can kick them out of the field and they get paid a good amount of money weekly(?) and look at the other humans watching them spending their money to see them run around and score a goal(myself included. I'm a once in four year football fan) Spending money Is a talent too and so is managing money. Have you ever met a hardcore miser? That's pure talent!. You have a talent my dear, find it. In fact, you are allowed to try anything till you find yours.
Just live a life worth remembering. Be yourself and don't try to change for someone. Don't become someone else just because you want to hang out with your peers. If you do that, the will only like the personality you created and when the 'real' you is revealed, they will reject you and you will end up hating yourself. So, be yourself, soldier!
OK, I will stop ranting. I feel like an old man already!
Again, have a nice day.
Over and out!