Hello All,
Thanks for stopping by my profile. I love being a part of this online, mainly Opera Ghost oriented, community. You guys are awesome!
I have been a fan of FFN for a while now and created this profile to be able to review and list stories, as well as authors, whose work I greatly admire. I lean more towards stories that are morbid, dark/darkfluff, horror, suspense, and angsty Leroux-based fiction. I enjoy detailed, lengthy stories and one-shots, whether canon or AU, so long as they're well written and can come alive in my mind.
I was introduced to PotO in 1997 when I saw the ALW version in NYC staring Thomas James O'Leary. It was a breathtaking performance and needless to say left me speechless and crying like a baby. This wonderful story planted its seed in my soul that night and has continued to live and bloom there since. I enjoy the ALW, Kay, Englund, and Dance versions, but my heart belongs to Leroux. There are so many elements to this story that are both timeless and unique to PotO.
I am an E/C shipper to the end! I can NOT resist the artistic, mutually-curious, dark, electrifying and magnetic bond between them. I have come to my own personal conclusion that while Raoul satisfied Christine's youth and heart (and obviously was someone dear from her childhood), Erik roused her artistic and passionate soul; the part of one's psyche that isn't always understood, but that one loves deeply and can't resist the lure to fulfill. I tend to believe that Christine loved Raoul, but had Erik been less corpse-like and more, um, well adapted to society, maybe things could have been different. Maybe.
There are so many wonderful pieces out there and I hope you will find some you have not already read. I've included some various non-FFN sites relating to the Opera Ghost below. Cheers!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8_Er3FBok&feature=related = Cartoon version