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SYOT Verses Discord PM
Bio Fav: Authors
Joined May '20

Welcome! The SYOT Verses Discord Server is the premier community center for Hunger Games OC fics. Whether you write SYOTs or fics with your own OCs, submit, review, or simply ghost read, Verses is the place to find new fics, forge new friendships, and dive even deeper into our particular subfandom(s)!

The Verses mod team describes Verses as a community of subcommunites. Authors who join Verses who write OC fic in any capacity are welcome to request a channel in which to discuss their stories. They are also welcome to invite their readers to join the server, creating a small subcommuity of poeple bonding over the same story! We also have a variety of ways for users to advertise their stories to grow their reader base if they want to, and to meet new friends to chat with!

We also have a wide variety of community building initiatives, including public conversation channels about everything from worldbuilding to art and poetry! The server also holds regular, year-round events which include regular Brant Steele Hunger Games simulations, writing prompts, and weekly writing power hours! Our flagship event is an annual Victor Exchange, which allows you to make and exchange victors with another author and write one-shot victory fics.

If you would like to join or to learn more, please PM this account for the link! You can also reach out to one of our incredible mods, who look after the server 24/7, every day of the year. All mods are favorited on this profile: Goldie (the server's admin), Twist, Em, Nell, Moose, Jay, RB, and Jade!

Our AO3 can be found here: h t t p s : / / archiveofourown . org/users/SYOTVersesDiscord/profile

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