Just In
Eating Upside Down PM
Joined Aug '07

I came here as a kid looking for plot summaries of Inuyasha- at the time (2006?). I just wanted to know how the series ended- but instead i got sucked into this time-sink of a website.

Anyways if you are here, i might as well entertain you- people love lists, yes?

Favorite movies:



Pirates of Caribbean

The Notebook

Toy Story 3

Rush Hour 2

Dark knight


Pulp Fiction

Fight Club

Once upon a time in Hollywood

Could do a list of video games, but lets face it, if you didn’t have a 360, you missed out on the golden generation of gaming. Before micro-transactions and political correct nonsense. When people didn’t bail out of parties and groups with randos because of a wipe. When every month you were getting a classic game. When Nintendo made long games. Sigh.

Moving on to “heavier” or “big” talk/topics:

My issues with writing for pay-

Over the last ten years, there has been a huge trend of people donating to their favorite fanfic authors. I used to think this was a net positive because authors would get the financial support they need in order to produce the content people like. However, financial motivations not only ruined this site with ads in between paragraphs, but over all lowered the quality of fan fiction. How so?

Bloat. Authors who have a popular story or idea, rely on maintaining that story popularity in order to keep making money. They will add inconsequential arcs, side plots, filler, additional romances, anything really, to draw out the story. It allows for authors to update sooner and “show” that they are focused on the story, when in actuality they are coasting with minimal effort. Examples: Semi-relevant side characters getting more ”screen” time than the main characters. Character interactions 5x more than actual plot movement. ”Stubborn” characters repetitively explain motivations to other characters without much nuance. Explaining what is happening in an extended action scene and everyone’s reactions is 20x longer than what occurs. Multiple 10k word Slice of life chapters in a epic adventure story.

Long or repetitive author’s notes. Gotta hit that word count and advertise that e-wallet. 2k word chapter is easy when 200-300 is thanking supporters and letting readers know you take money.


Early access.

Popular or click bait writing, (been a thing, but now narratives are dictated by $ than the characters.)

Discord pandering.

Reactionary writing.

Lack of passion.

Paper-thin plots or narratives.

Tell instead of show writing.

Lack of time skips. filler filler filler.

Lack of creativity/passion.

Decreased interest and effort into improving.

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