Current background:
An Indonesian who is a student of Asia Pacific Studies.
A girl whose fetish including glasses, trench coat, and British accent.
A writer whose preference is angst and humour, or a clever combination of both.
A fan of history and cultural studies who is a sucker for yandere characters.
A fujoshi who mainly writes for Hetalia - Axis Powers fandom.
A procrastinator who specializes in (mostly canon) oneshots.
An INTJ with a pokerface, who likes to 'smile'.
A family-complex who lives half an ocean away from home.
Current involvement:
# Valencia Granada -- collaborative account with Eka Kuchiki. Works including a historical-AU multichapter about the War of Spanish Succession. Currently on hiatus.
# out.of.the.b0x -- collaborative account with are.key.take.tour. Works including a crime-history multichapter about a murder case based on real life. Currently on hiatus.
# Spice Islands -- collaborative account with skadihelias, are.key.take.tour, vreemdleven, and Jowo.Londo. Works including an AU multichapter about superheroes in underwear, complete with its various drabbles, arts (check out Pulau5Rempah), AUs, spin-offs, and general craziness (some are simply too crazy to be publicized, even for our standards). Currently (VERY) active.
# Forum Author Hetalia Indonesia -- A Facebook Forum for Hetalia fanfiction authors who write their fics in Indonesian. FHI (Fandom Hetalia Indonesia) authors, feel free to join, make yourselves known, and make more friends!
# Indonesian Hetalia Festival. A monthly event for Hetalia fanfiction fandom, specifically in Indonesian language. Feel free to browse through its community for submitted fics and its favorites for the winners,
Current status:
Hiatus as Valencia Granada and out.of.the.b0x, semi-hiatus as ry0kiku, active as Spice Islands.
Current contact:
either here via PM or review, or @ry0kiku