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asimpledesign PM
Joined Sep '07

Hey my name Is Stephanie and I'm a huge fan of twilight fanfiction. I've been reading fanfiction for five years now, which I can hardly believe!

I love reading, I've never really tried writing even though I have a A level in English Lit, maybe someday I'll publish a story on fanfiction but you will have to wait and see!! If you are looking for any romantic paranormal books to read I recommend the following authors;

JR. Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, G.A Aikan ( she has an amazing dragon shapeshifter series), Christain Feehan, Larrissa Ione, Gena showalter, Nalini Singh.

My favourite fanfiction couples are usually Edward x Bella, Jasper x Bella or Paul x Bella... I would recommend reading Hit and Run which is an Alister/Bella plotline, you will love it!!

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