azarielthebladed PM
My Stories . Bio Fav: Stories . Authors
17Genesis »
The start of something new.
Teen Titans, K+, English, Friendship, chapters: 9, words: 12k+, favs: 13, follows: 19, updated: 2/20/2018 published: 7/18/2008, Beast Boy, Raven
3 To Undo the Dark
Changeling embarks on an epic quest, encountering allies and dangers from across the emotional spectrum, and all those aligned with it.
Teen Titans & Green Lantern, T, English, Supernatural & Adventure, words: 333, favs: 3, follows: 1, 12/12/2015
79 Early Morning Tea »
Beast boy and Raven spend some quality time sharing. Then, things spiraled out of control... Changed rating to T, just in case. This has grown from the one-shot I first envisaged. Had to re-title some of the chapters.
Teen Titans, T, English, Drama, chapters: 11, words: 21k+, favs: 38, follows: 30, updated: 7/13/2008 published: 12/4/2007, Beast Boy, Raven