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RandomObsessiveReader PM
Joined Dec '07


Over the last couple of years I've read quite a few stories - some good, some not so..

The worst thing about good stories and series is that they end. This is the reason why i just adore fanfics.. i hate having to let go of a stroy I enjoyed, so to all authors out there: Thank you! :D

That said, I'm no great author myself and enjoy reading the ideas of others much more, anyway.

Reading crossovers i ofter find myself confronted with things like divine intervination, father time jumping in to safe the world, ppl. suddenly remember that there are "ohers" out there that have ignored so far for some mysterious reason.. and so on.. And then there are a couple of ideas that are completely overused and could do with a small breather.. I mean, the number of times i stumbled upon naruto fics wherein either Kyuubi or the clash between two or more attacks (read: rasengan vs chidori) somehow sends ppl. into other dimensions.. not too bad an idea, but.. well.. I hope you see my point :D

If you wish to use one of these ideas, feel free to do so :D

indeed i'd like to challenge you guys out there to use my ideas ^^

there are only two things I would like for you to do: 1. plz inform me of it; not too absurd a request, is it? 2. well.. okay, so it's just one point

The ideas will be uploaded in the next couple of weeks/months (dunno exactly), as I do not wish to simply state them, but would rather include them into little stories that give a little introduction to them..

One last thing:
If there are reviews that warrant/need a response (as in: reviews that actually point out something relevant and aren't just opinions), I will do so in one of these nifty forums I would create for this purpose; gotta hate all these damn long A/N's in some fics -.-
Reviews warranting a respone while not important for the story, will be responded to via PM.
That's one thing I would hope every author got used to...

Thanks for your time.

(old) UPDATE 12-27-09:

uploaded my idea of a naruto/pokegirl x-over without the whole 'beam me up, kyuubi'-theme.

this was/is my idea:

1.) how pokegirls came to be: (basic history explained in 'the world beyond') time: around 1980ish?

sukebe is a magic-user as such, when he traveled around, he found the shinobi continent (which only magicians can find), the barrier and the real juubi; -

he studied the genetics of the juubi and the energies of the barrier and was as such able to create pokegirls (or at least typhoona)!!; -

he creates typhoona based on juubi's genes and makes her attack the original which looses (perhaps because it was supposed to contain, not to hinder others from entering); -

he takes the body into his layer, dissects it and learns even more - more pokegirls;

2.) naruto in pokegirl-world: (based on idea 1.)

typhoona kills everyone after the barrier is destroyed in akatsuki's quest for 'peace'; -

naruto survives due to kyuubi, but is stranded somewhere in the US where one of sukebe's early pokegirls find him; -

naruto becomes a general of sukebe's after a psychic pokegirl teaches him via telepathy (he wouldn't understand the language) or perhaps a videogirl? about the world, technology, the works :P; early war? -

reason for becoming general: pokegirls were being attacked for being different; -

sukebe gifts naruto withdeathlessness for his loyality - he can survive the procedure due to kyuubi; -

naruto discover typhoona's status of pokegirl and how the pokegirls came to be; -

(unsure!)?? naruto starts questioning the infos sukebe gave him, learns that his 'master' attacked the humans first; -

(unsure!)?? naruto leaves like the legendaries? or maybe he is betrayed?; -

years/decades/w.e. later naruto becomes edo's 'guardian', because he sees a pokegirl being mistreated there, reminding him of his childhood all over again..

end? :P dunno..


everyone still enjoying themselves? :D

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