Favorite Stories 105
One's Own Path » by
Kron, a Saiyan child deemed too weak to conquer, steals a pod and goes to a planet that hasn't been conquered for the Frieza Force. He plans to wipe it out by himself to join the ranks of the Saiyan army. However, the task proves not so simple and his task gets delayed. What is the fate of Remnant with this Saiyan child?
Dragon Ball Z & RWBY, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 75, words: 802k+, favs: 622, follows: 680, updated: 8h published: 5/24/2020
30Worst Team EVER! » by
An accident at Initiation results in the formation of the most dysfunctional team Beacon has ever seen. Meet Glynda's newest headache, Team BWWA (Banana): Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee, Cardin Winchester, and their fearful leader, Jaune Arc.
RWBY, T, English, Humor & Drama, chapters: 6, words: 15k+, favs: 70, follows: 98, updated: 2/11 published: 12/5/2023, Team CRDL, Team RWBY, Team JNPR
Remnants of a Courier » by
Shadow Amongst Shadows
Think not of your own pain but of the good that comes from it. For you are the only one willing to carry the burden. Continue onward through even oceans of blood, even if you are not a good man, or even an okay man, but a despised man. For that is the burden placed upon you on this Lonesome Road. (Courier 6 arrives on Remnant)
Fallout & RWBY, M, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 78, words: 423k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 2/11 published: 9/9/2018, Courier, Ruby R., Weiss S., OC
1k+Xia » by
Coeur Al'Aran
Across the wartorn land of Remnant, a young man flees his burning village and finds refuge in an old temple. There, he will find a new mentor in Master Shu Ren, ancient master of Lotus Temple Sect of martial arts. Trained from a young age in martial arts and the secrets of perfect aura control, a young Xia will be unleashed on the land. Remnant's last. Inspired by Wuxia novels.
RWBY, T, English, Adventure & Spiritual, chapters: 27, words: 143k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 2/11 published: 1/9/2024, Jaune A.
76The Grimm-Whisperer » by
Watching her mother die before her very eyes because she held blood that was deemed a threat, a young Ruby is forced to flee into a harsh world of bloody evolution where beasts prowl the night, monsters lurk in the settlements wearing human skin, and all while the Kingdoms of Remnant conspire against each-other and the mysterious nation of Menagerie... FANTASY/STEAMPUNK AU
RWBY, T, English, Fantasy & Drama, chapters: 30, words: 225k+, favs: 97, follows: 112, updated: 2/9 published: 7/23/2023, Ruby R.
18Cerulean Divergence » by
In the world of Remnant, many aspire for change: wealth, power, justice. Amidst the cries of equality and righteousness, youth across all nations dream of the same tales, to be a hero. Huntsman, considered the true bulwark against despair. To others, it is a means of escape from destitution. And yet to these seemingly average few, it is a chance to write history.
RWBY, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 52, words: 179k+, favs: 47, follows: 65, updated: 2/8 published: 8/18/2023, Ruby R., Ozpin, OC, J. Ironwood
Grimm Nightmares » by
Ace reaper
Broken down, warped beyond repair and traumatised he fought on, sacrificing and adapting as need be. He lost so much but now he is past the Nightmare and returned to a world he scarcely remembers. With a broken mind and memories distorted, how will he move forward with his hands stained in the red of so many? How will he make up for his failures? And why is he a child?
RWBY & Bloodborne, M, English, Horror & Family, chapters: 61, words: 588k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 2/1 published: 3/31/2022
Crimson's Crusade » by
25 years ago, Atlas gathered their greatest and brightest scientists and engineers to work together on building the perfect weapon against the Grimm. Project Alpha. Yet, their own project went rogue and turned against them until it was then decommissioned permanently. What would happen when the forgotten creation of the past reawakens into an era that had mostly forgotten about it?
RWBY & Punishing: Gray Raven, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 22, words: 170k+, favs: 603, follows: 711, updated: 1/28 published: 5/16/2022, OC, Penny P., J. Ironwood, Team RWBY
84The Remnants of Project Guardian » by
Specialist Ironwood found something buried deep in the snowy mountains of Mantle; a discovery that led to the most inhumane human experimentation project in Remnant's history. With the threat of Salem and the Grimm, did the general have any other choice? Follow the last three super soldiers of Project Guardian and their journey to save Remnant and rediscover their humanity. (OCs)
RWBY, M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 55, words: 358k+, favs: 146, follows: 201, updated: 1/25 published: 4/25/2021, Penny P., J. Ironwood, Team RWBY, Team JNPR
The Fallen » by
He had fallen so far...perhaps he'd pick up the shattered pieces before they turned to dust in this world that would never know of his past.
Fate/stay night & RWBY, M, English, Supernatural & Adventure, chapters: 15, words: 95k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 1/17 published: 10/25/2023, Shirō E., Ozpin, Salem, Team STRQ
Fairytales and Gods » by
Curious Beats
Stuck in Tartarus with one chance at getting Annabeth out alive, Percy chooses exile. But this new world he's forced to isn't one like his own. Humanity is relegated to corners of the globe, it's just unfortunate that his corner happens to be run by murderers and thieves. But he has no choice but to join them if he wants to save this world in time. Some things never change.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians & RWBY, T, English, Supernatural & Adventure, chapters: 88, words: 535k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 1/15 published: 8/24/2020, Percy J., Pyrrha N., Qrow B.
The Huntsman of Red V2 » by
Guardian, Protector, Hero, and perhaps something more, that was what he had always meant to her, but to others he was simply known as the Huntsman of Red, Remnant's final hope.
Fate/stay night & RWBY, T, English, chapters: 69, words: 351k+, favs: 7k+, follows: 8k+, updated: 1/12 published: 8/27/2018, Shirō E., Ruby R.
222Unexpected Incarnate » by
You know, waking up an a new body is one thing, it's another that I'm now in Remnant. But that's what I unfortunately founded myself into. Normally the most common thing I would do in this case is to live a normal life and not get into a secret war against Salem. Wait, I can't? Hold up, what do you mean Ozpin is in my head? Self-insert SI-OC with Ozma. Art from Alien Princess.
RWBY, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 31, words: 300k+, favs: 818, follows: 1k+, updated: 1/8 published: 1/13/2022, OC, Qrow B., Team RNJR, Ozma
The Mantle of Remnant » by
The Master Chief has saved Humanity at the cost of Cortana, one of his few remaining friends. More than he will admit, John relied on her, cared for her. To no longer have her means to lose another part of his humanity. Still the universe keeps going and once again, he is called to serve and protect Mankind. Now he has a choice: does he brave Remnant alone or does he embrace help?
Halo & RWBY, M, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 37, words: 204k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 1/2 published: 5/16/2019, Master Chief/John-117
Dark Souls: Embers of Remnant » by
Crimson Soldat
His duty had been fulfilled. Now the Ashen One could finally rest. Yet, as fate would have it, he is called once again in a world called Remnant to fulfil another. If only he knew how complicated it would be.
Dark Souls & RWBY, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 31, words: 126k+, favs: 482, follows: 576, updated: 1/2 published: 4/5/2023, OC, Team RWBY
6ATMN Volume 1 » by
When eighty years of peace is threatened to come to an end, these students must do all they can to keep Remnant safe while in school. Join team ATMN (autumn), a no-nonsense leader with a heart of gold, a conflicted Faunus with a conflicted past, a wild young man, and a timid girl, in their bloody evolution as Huntsmen and Huntresses. All rights reserved. Hope you enjoy!
RWBY, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 6, words: 51k+, favs: 4, follows: 7, updated: 12/14/2024 published: 8/18/2018, OC
I Want it All » by
In order to obtain something, you must give up something of equal value. A life for a life. Passion for love. Humanity for power. Tell me, why do we have to choose? It isn't right. People shouldn't be forced to pick between one thing or another! I'll tell you right now, if I'm reborn, I want it all! A merry shinobi reincarnates in Remnant. Nothing will be the same. Narutoxharem.
Naruto & RWBY, T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 11, words: 64k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 12/11/2024 published: 5/25/2023, Naruto U., Ruby R., Weiss S., Yang X.L.
The First Apprentice » by
Power. That is all that truly matters to the Sith. Power at any cost. It was a core tenant of the one known as Darth Sidious. To him, power is all that has meaning in the universe. He must now confront something he has yet to be challenged by. An honest and simple soul. But such things are nothing to a practitioner of the Dark Side. Because simple souls fall first.
Star Wars & RWBY, K, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 10, words: 103k+, favs: 313, follows: 365, updated: 12/8/2024 published: 4/13/2023, E. Palpatine, Ruby R.
2Road To Paradise: Rebuilt » by
Burning Eyeball
The Road To Paradise is paved with mistakes. So from them we learn, adapt, change. Then little by little the road stretches and improves, strengthening the cement. And with a few extra hands, Paradise will be in arms reach. However, there will be those that wish more to see it crumble into the ground. All it took were two people to start the foundations. (Cross-posted to AO3)
RWBY, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 5, words: 10k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, updated: 12/5/2024 published: 8/19/2024, OC, Team RWBY, Team JNPR
War Machines » by
Bryon Nightshade
Ruby-Penny swapped-at-birth Nuts and Dolts AU. Ruby is raised within the confines of the Atlas Military as Ironwood's anti-grimm pocket nuke. Penny, alone and adrift upon waking up memory-less on Beacon's campus, gravitates towards its student body. Remnant isn't ready for Atlas Ruby and Beacon Penny, but here they come.
RWBY, T, English, chapters: 53, words: 321k+, favs: 162, follows: 186, updated: 12/1/2024 published: 2/25/2024, Ruby R., P. Polendina