Just In
SpiritOfSherwood PM
Joined Jan '08

Greetings, traveller. I am SpiritOfSherwood. Lurker extraordinaire, obsessive gamer, occasional dabbler in fanfiction and all around crusty, curmudgeonly old fiction junkie with a soft spot for shipping. As some of you may have noticed, my fics are all pretty much dead and regrettably dead they shall remain unless you guys really want to keep reading more of those god-awful half baked souffles of fanfics I wrote in my early years on this site. Now I mostly just read, reality gets in the way of writing and I've got an epic case of Writer's Block.

The two genres that I love most are Science Fiction and Fantasy. When you mix those two together you end up with something like Warhammer 40k, a setting so awesome, I got a tattoo of an Imperial Aquila on my arm. Praise be the God-Emperor and read Dan Abnett's work! Seriously, those books of his are the shit.

Things that I also like are:

Books: Gaunt's Ghosts, Eisenhorn, Ravenor, Horus Heresy. Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, A Song of Ice and Fire, Metro series etc

Films: Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Saving Private Ryan, Mad Max Fury Road, Hero, District 9, Battle: Los Angeles (guilty pleasure), Gladiator, the Martian etc

TV: RTD era Doctor Who/Torchwood, Robin Hood BBC (another guilty pleasure but it died with Marian in Season 2), Game of Thrones, Avatar the Last Airbender/the Legend of Korra, Band of Brothers, Firefly/Serenity, Hammond/Clarkson/May era Top Gear, etc

Video Games: Halo (teacher, mother, secret lover), Metro series, Mass Effect (ME3 could have been done so much better), Fallout 3/New Vegas, Half Life 2, Mirror's Edge, Call of Duty 1-World at War (it all went downhill after MW2). Gears of War, Dawn of War, Age of Empires, Jedi Knight series, Far Cry 3/4, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Knights of the Old Republic, Lord of the Rings: the Third Age, Metal Gear Solid series (for all the crazy meme magic), Grand Theft Auto/Red Dead Redemption/L.A Noire, WH40K: Space Marine, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising/Red River, the list just goes on and on . . .

I hope you enjoy my humble attempts at fanfiction. Please do feel free to ask me anything and leave some constructive criticism on the way out!

xxx :)

The Spirit

PS: As you might have been able to tell, I'm a cynical miser but still remain a shipper at heart.

Ships in the Fleet

Will/Djaq - Robin Hood BBC 10th Doctor/Martha - Doctor Who WALL-E/EVE - WALL-E Bran Stark/Meera Reed (Breera) - Game of Thrones/ASoIaF Tormund Giantsbane/Brienne of Tarth - Game of Thrones/ASoIaF (admit it, you wanted it to happen ever since Tormund's seductive chicken eating antics) Korra/Asami (Korrasami) - The Legend of Korra Bolin/Opal (Bopal) - The Legend of Korra Aang/Katara (Kataang) - Avatar The Last Airbender (Default) Shepard/Tali'Zorah - Mass Effect Shepard/Liara T'Soni - Mass Effect

Some Quotes

Fave Robin Hood Quotes

"EVERYTHING IS A CHOICE! EVERYTHING WE DO!" Robin to Allan in series 2

"I want Robin Hood's pretty little face on his pretty little head on his pretty little body ON A PRETTY BIG SPIKE OUTSIDE MY CASTLE!!" The Sheriff in Robin Hood

"Well come on Big Bear!" Much to Little John

"Maybe one more to make it look real?" - "Now now Count Freidrick. Remember the skittles?"-"Ah ja" Count Freidrick and Marian

"Oh come on Gisbourne give us a kiss. Hmm no? Kissy give Gizzy?" - The Sheriff in Robin Hood

"Its a very small chicken Much" - "And have you seen in the trees? No squirrels lately!" - Allan and Djaq comment on Much's "Not-Squirrel Suprise"

John strokes the goose "It lays golden eggs and we have a consigment of magic beans coming in next week" - "John?" - Little John and Robin in Walkabout

"Some shoes! My kingdom for some shoes!" - The Sheriff forshadows a famous Shakspeare quote in Walkabout

"I did it Ruth! I shot the Sheriff!" - "No you didn't but you did shoot the Deputy" - Sgt Joe and the Sheriff unwittingly recite the lyrics for Bob Marley's "I Shot the Sheriff" in Series 1

"Whatever happened to fighting against injustice and rebelling against the Sheriff? We should be sticking together! Instead we're splitting off into couples! To be perfectly honest (looks at Little John) I don't fancy mine much!" - Much in the Honey scene in Series 2, Lardner's Ring

"Robin Hood is not just one man. He is an idea. Something the people can believe in" - Tuck to Kate in Series 3

"GISBOURNE!!" - "... He has come ..." - Robin and Gisbourne in Series 3

"Poor Allan, he squealed like a stuck pig when he died" - "and you will pay for that! You murdering swine!" - The Sheriff and Robin

Fave Halo and Red vs Blue Quotes: Warning: Bad Language!

"I am Truth! The voice of the Covenant!" - "And so, you must be silenced!" The Prophet of Truth and the Arbiter in Halo 3

"Dear Humanity. We regret being alien bastards! We regret coming to Earth! And we most definitly regret that the Corps just blew up our Raggety-ass fleet!" - "OOH-RAH!" Sgt Johnson and the UNSC Marine Corps in Halo 2

"Time? Lines? Time is not made out of lines. Time is circles! Thats why clocks are round!" Caboose in Red vs Blue

"Donut! Initiate "Traitorous Simmons Plan No 11! (Shoots Grif (OW!)) No! No 11!" - "Where the hell am I going to get a steamroller?!" Sarge and Donut in Red vs Blue

"Simmons! Get off of that turrent this instant!" - "NO! How do you like that?! NO!" - "Well . . . seeing that you asked me. NO I DON'T LIKE THAT AT ALL!" Sarge and the Omega infected Simmons

"COCKSUCKER!" - "Uh Simmons you do know that thats Sarge you're talking to right?" - "Ah yes er cocksucker SIR!" Grif and Simmons in Red vs Blue

(Church runs into Gary the Tank) "KNOCK KNOCK CHURCH!" - "SON OF A BITCH!" (BOOM!)Gary and Church in Red vs Blue

"Back when I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks and a Rock for the whole platoon and we had to share the Rock!" - Sgt Johnson in Halo 2 during the Battle of New Mombasa

"Grif! Come back here! I need most of your delicious meat for my plans!" Sarge in Red vs Blue: Planning to Fail

"Man we lead those dum bugs out into the middle of nowhere to keep them from getting thier filthy claws on Earth! But we found something thats so hot for em' that they're scramblin' over each other to get it. Well I don't care if it is God's very own personal anti son-of-a-bitch machine or a giant Hula-Hoop, we 'aint gonna let em' have it. What we WILL let them have is a belly full of lead and a pool of thier own blood to drown in! Am I right marines?!" - "SIR YES SIR!" - " Hmm damn right I am now move it out! Double time!" Sgt Johnson's speech to the Marines on the UNSC Pillar of Autumn

"God damn it Grif! Shut your mouth or I'll have Simmons slit your throat while you're asleep!" - "Oh and I'd do it too!" - Sarge responds to Grif's insolence with Simmons' support

"Send me out ... with a bang" - final words of Sgt Johnson in Halo 3

"Wake me when you need me" - John-117 to Cortana before entering cryo-sleep

"So the sword happens to be a key in very specific conditions" - "OR the sword is really a key and when you stick it in people it unlocks their deaths!" - "Man Caboose, I would love to live in your world for just ten minutes" - "Yeah, I have a really good time" - "Yeah I bet! I would probably get nothing done but that wouldn't matter because I wouldn't care anyway" - Church and Caboose kill some time whilst Tucker is in labour with his alien baby

"Oh God! The red guy is sneaking around the cliffs" - "Man, he must be one smart son-of-a-bitch!" - (Donut) "Man, I am so freaking lost!" - Church and Tucker observe Donut's progress through Blood Gulch from afar

"The Ancients (Forerunners) have granted us the power to doom your race! Let the deconstruction of our gifts begin! The majesty of our new fleet will be unparalelled!!" - The Arbiter circa Halo Wars

"HEY!, Bastards! Knock Knock!" (Blasts down the door with a Scarab cannon) - Sgt Johnson in Halo 2

"The Chief is gonna jump in this tank, roll across the bridge and blow up ANY inhuman son-of-a-bitch DUMB enough to get between him and the Prophet of Regret! Pull yourself together because you're going with him! " - Sgt Johnson in Halo 2

"Halo! It's divine wind will rush through the stars! Propelling all who are worthy along the path to salvation!" - The Prophet of Mercy in Halo 2

"Crazy fool! Why do you always jump? Y'know, one of these days, you're gonna land on something as stubborn as you are! And I don't do bits 'n' pieces" - Sgt Johnson to the Master Chief in Halo 3

"Whoa! Check it out!" - "No way? A Spartan? You better not be" - "No man! He's here! We're gonna be alright!" - UNSC Marines see the Master Chief during the Battle of Earth

"When we joined the Covenant, we took an Oath!" - "according to our station. All without exception!" - "On the Blood of our Fathers, on the Blood of our Son's, we swore to uphold the Covenant" - "even to our dying Breath!" - "Those who would break this Oath are Heretics, worthy of neither pity nor mercy! Even now, they use our Lord's creations to broadcast their lies!" - "We shall grind them into dust!" - "And continue our march to glorious Salvation!" - R'tas Vadumee adresses his Elites prior to the battle at the Forerunner Gas Mine

"This armour suits you but it cannot hide that Mark" - "Nothing ever will" - "You are the Arbiter, the Will of the Prophets, but these are my Elites. Their lives matter to me, yours does not" - "Then that makes two of us" - R'tas Vadumee and the Arbiter prior to the Gas Mine incident on Threshold

"Simmons! You and the Gun are just going to have to agree to disagree!" - Sarge in RvB: Relocated

"We go feet first SIR!" - Common saying of the ODST Corps

"You are, all of you vermin! Cowering in the dirt and thinking "what?" I wonder? That you might escape the coming Fire?! No! Your world (Earth) will burn until its surface is but glass! And not even your Demon (Master Chief) will live to creep, blackened from It's hole to mar the reflection of Our passage. The culmination of Our journey for your destruction is the Will of the God's! And I? I am their INSTRUMENT!!" (Transmission cuts dead) - "Cocky bastard! He just loves to run his mouth!" - The Prophet of Truth adresses the surving humans and Elites on Covenant controlled Earth

"Gentlemen! We're burning sunshine here!" - Sgt Forge adresses SPARTAN Red Team

"Son, I have a feeling that before this is over, we'll need every last SPARTAN in the Fight. I can do this, report back to the ship" - ". . . . Good luck Sir, its been an honour" - Sgt Forge's final words to SPARTAN-092 Jerome

"This is SPARTAN-117, can anyone hear me? Over" - "Master Chief?! Do you mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?" - "Sir . . . finishing this Fight" - Master Chief and Lord Hood at the end of Halo 2, thus creating the cliffhanger which got millions to buy Halo 3 and make millions for Bill Gates . . . lame

"You are the child of my Makers. Inheritor of all they left behind! You are Forerunner!! But this Ring is MINE!!" - Guilty Spark to Master Chief

"DID YOU THINK ME DEFEATED?!" - The Gravemind returns

"You found me . . . But so much of me is wrong, out of place. You might be too late" - "You know me ... when I make a promise" - "You . . . keep it. I do know how to pick 'em" - "Lucky me" - the Master Chief finds Cortana in the depths of High Charity

"Well this is a tough one. Simmons appears to have captured Grif which means we're down a man and now that man has taken Grif prisoner. So does that make us even? Whats one plus a turd? Damn it! Only Grif could screw up Math!" - Sarge ponders the conseqences of Simmons treason and capture of Grif

"Hey Church! Does this shotgun barrel look clogged to you?" points shotgun at Church's head "Sarge, I'm not going to look in your shotgun" brings out a rocket launcher "How about these rocket barrels?!" - Sarge and Church in Red vs Blue

"Hey Grif! Hold these bullets for me (shoots Grif) IN YOUR GUT!!" - "OW! I can see my spine!" - Sarge and Grif

shoots Tucker "Dr Sarge says take two barrels of this shotgun and call me when you're dead! "Ring ring!" Hello is that you? Yep You're dead!" - Dr Sarge doing what he does best

"Yes. I am a Gay Robot" - Church

"I'm not gonna lie to you Lietenant. You're stepping into some shoes the rest of the Squad would rather leave unfilled. Me? I'm just happy to have NOBLE back up to full strength. I've read you're file, even the parts the ONI censors didn't want me to, I'm glad to have your skillset. But we're a team, that "lone-wolf" stuff stays behind. Got it?" - "Got it sir" - Commander Carter-A259 to SPARTAN-B312 (Noble Six) on his first day in Noble Team

"Welcome to Reach" - Jun-A226 to SPARTAN-B312

"Big Man forgets what he is sometimes" - Emile-A239 on Jorge-052

laughs*"the Big Man was sentimental" - Emile-A239 after Jorge's death"

"Noble Six you are one steely-eyed SPARTAN. I'm extending the landing pad to you now. Come home Lietenant" - Kat-B320 to Noble Six

"Chief don't be a fool . . . leave me . . ." Captain Keyes to Master Chief whilst being infected by the Flood


Fave Doctor Who and Torchwood Quotes

"Run Doctor! Run for your life! I said RUN!" The Master in series 3

"He is everything! He is everything to me and he doesn't even look twice but I don't care . . . 'cos I love him to bits" Martha in Series 3

"The Beast and his armies shall rise from the Pit to make war against God" The Beast throught one of the Ood.

"THIS IS THE AGE OF STEEL AND I AM IT'S CREATOR!" The Cyber-Controller (John Lumic) In Series 2

"The assembled horde of Ghengis Khan couldn't get through those doors and believe me they've tried!" The 9th Doctor in Series 1

"Hey kids! D'you miss me?" Jack Harkness in Torchwood Series 2

"This is Captain Jack Harkness callin' all Dalek Boys 'n Girls!" - Capt Jack in Journey's End, Series 4

"You get to live forever and I get to die forever" Owen to Jack in Torchwood Series 2

"There are these big Pearly Gates and an old geezer says You've been a very naughty boy! Owen "describes" death to Martha in Torchwood Series 2

"Attention! All troops! The Sontarans might think of us as primitive. As every passing species with an axe to grind! They make a mockery of our weapons, our soldiers and our ideals but no more! From this point on, it stops! From this point on: the people of Earth fight back! And we'll show them, we'll show the Warriors of Sontar what the Human Race can do!" Colnel Mace addreces the UNIT soldiers before the liberation of the ATMOS factory during The Poison Sky, Series 4

"Oi! watch it Space-Man!" - "Oi! watch it Earth-Girl!" - Donna and the Doctor #2 in Journey's End, Series 4

"If you're an alien then how come you sound like you're from the north?" - "lots of planets have a north!" - Rose and the Ninth Doctor in Rose, Series 1

"We could have used you an hour ago for naked hide-and-seek" - "He cheats, he always cheats!" Jack and Ianto to Gwen in Torchwood, Series 2

"LISTEN TO MEEEEEEEEE!!!" - The 11th Doctor's hilarious pleas fall on deaf ears in Series 5

Fave Chronicles of Ancient Darkness Quotes

"Growing up can be a kind of soul-sickness Torak. The name soul fights the clan soul telling it what to do. You have to learn to find a balance, like a good knife. It took me a while" Fin-Kedinn to Torak in Outcast

"The Outcast shall be Outcast no more!" Fin-Kedinn in Outcast

"A Soul Eater is come among us! A Soul Eater to the Marrow!" Saeunn in Outcast

Fave Warhammer 40,000 Quotes

" If you will not serve in combat then you will serve on the firing line!" Commissar Yarrick's adress to the Imperial Guard at the start of the 3rd war for Armageddon

"For the Greater Good!" common Tau battlecry

"He who stands with me shall be my Brother!" Captain Gabriel Angelos of the Blood Ravens 3rd Company

"Enemies of the Imperium hear me! You have come here to die! The Immortal Emperor is with us and we are invincible! His soldiers will strike you down! His war machines will crush you under their treads! His mighty guns will bring the sky crashing down upon you! You cannot win. The Emperor has given us his most powerful weapon to wield, so make yourselves ready! We are the 1st Kronus regiment and today is our victory day!" Govenor-Militant Lukas Alexander prior to the battle of Victory Bay

"I see no Victory here. I see but one truth and that truth is War" General Sturnn upon landing on the Chaos-stricken ice planet, Lorn V

"I want to see soldiers on parade routes in this city! Not Tours of Duty!" Govenor-General Vance Stubbs on seeing the beseiged HQ of the 252nd Kauravan Conservator Regiment

"With this and faith, I am unstoppable!" - Captain Davian Thule of the Blood Raven's chapter preaches about the Iron Halo

"Choose your next words with considerable care Govenor, they may be your last" - Commissar Holt threatens the Govenor of Volistad for his incompetence

"Those aren't women Viess! They're Adeptus Sororitas and I don't need the hassle . . ." - Sgt Wulfe to Pvt Viess prior to Operation Mercy Run

"We hold them here or we fight them on the hallowed ground of Terra itself. I for one would rather see a million human lives lost here than allow a single Ork to set foot on Earth." - General Pavlov, Armageddon Guard Command

"To each of us falls a task. And all the Emperor requires of us Guardsmen is that we stand in line, and we die fighting. It is what we do best: we die standing." - General Sturnn, Cadian 412th Regiment

"Although the Golden Throne of Terra orbits a distant star far from here, the Emperor's hand is on your shoulders today. You have fought and displayed bravery and loyalty far and above your calling as Guardsmen. You have faced the full brunt of an Ork Waaagh! as well as stared down the horrors of the Warp in the fallen Space Marines, and in that I am honoured to have led you." - General Sturnn adresses the survivors of the Cadian 412th after the battle of Lorn V

"I have followed the myriad potential futures of the Tau with great interest. Though barely even striplings compared to us, I feel a strange protectiveness towards them. In time I believe they will exceed even our greatest feats and master the darkness within their souls" - Farseer Eldrad Ulthran of Craftworld Ulthwé on the Tau

"The blasphemy of the Tyranids is such that only one solution is acceptable. Extermination." - Chaplain Cassius of the Ultramarines Chapter

"But you Gabriel, Chapter Master is fitting. None shall find you wanting" - Captain Apollo Diomedes proclaims Gabriel Angelos Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens Chapter

"We have arrived and it is now that we perform our charge. In fealty of the God-Emperor (our Undying Lord) and by the Grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of Typhon Primaris. I herby sign the death warrent of an entire world and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protects." - The Exterminatus of Typhon Primaris. Nice to know that the Imperium has a ceremony for blowing up a planet. Also "The Imperium: Still Pimpin'"

"It is human nature to seek culpability in a time of tragedy. It is a sign of strength to cry out against fate rather than to bow ones head and succumb. Inevitably many shall fault the hands upon the sword which felled Typhon, the Ordo Malleus. But the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office. To further fear them is redundant, to hate them, heretical. Those more sensible will place responsibility on those who forced the hand of the Inquisition. With some fortune they may foster this hatred into purpose and further rule their own fate by coming to the Emperor's service. Yet ultimately, it was I who set these events into motion with a single blow from my hammer, God Splitter" - Captain Gabriel Angelos on the Exterminatus of Typhon

"I DON'T CARE HOW MANY THERE ARE! FIGHT!!" - Anonymous Imperial Guardsman, Cadian 412th Regiment

Monty Python Quotes

"Of course not! You are English types!" - "THEN WHAT ARE YOU THEN?!" - "I'M FRENCH! WHY DO YOU THINK I HAVE THIS OUTRAGEOUS ACCENT YOU SILLY KING!" King Arthur and the French in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

"I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called Biggus . . . Diccus!" Pontius Pilate in Life of Brian

"He has a wife you know! Incontinentia . . . Incontinentia Buttocks!" - (Soldiers start to laugh) - Pontius Pilate tests the resolve of his men in Life of Brian

"There be some that call me . . . Tim" - Tim the Enchanter in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

"Stwike him Centurion! Stwike him vewy woughly!" - "ARGH!" Pilate is irked by Brian

"Do you find it wisable?! When I saaay the name . . . Biggus . . . . Diccus?!" - Pilate confronts one of his soldiers

"Let me come with you Pontius! I may be of assistanthce in the casthe of a thudden cwisis!" - Biggus Diccus to Pilate ( Pilate and Biggus have lisps)

"Then you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest WITH . . . A HERRING!!" The Knights who say "Ni!" in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

"ACH! There it is!" - "What? Behind the rabbit?" - "It is the rabbbit!" - "You silly sod! You had us all worked up! I saw my armour and I was so scared!" - "But thats no ordinary rabbit! Thats the most cruel, foul and bad tempered rodent you ever set eyes upon! That rabbit has a viscious stream a mile wide! Its a killer!" - "What does he do? Nibble yer bum?!" - "He'll rip you a new one! He has teeth the size of . . . he can leap as far as . . . well look at the bones!!" - "Go on Bors! Chop its head off!" - "Right then! Silly little bidder. One rabbit stew coming right up!" - "Look!" (The Rabbit gruesomely devours Bors) - "JESUS CHRIST!!" The Killer Rabbit scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Fave Discworld Quotes (By Terry Pratchett)


"Horrible little bugger!" - "I wonder what it wanted?" - Granny Weatherwax and Magrat discuss Gollum's unexpected appearance in Witches Abroad

"I ought to sue your face for slander" - The Patrician to Rincewind in the Colour of Magic

"OOK!" - The University Librarian's method of communication in the form of an Orang-utan

"Ye Gods! I have never felt so clean!" - The Archchancellor (Ridcully) of the Wizards University to Mr Modo in Hogfather

"You had better have a good explanation for this! Pencils have been eaten, socks disappeared and half of my Wizards have been staying up for half the night trying to cheer up the Cheerful Fairy!" - The Archchancellor in Hogfather

"But nobody dies of Scrofula! I'm a wizard and I have rights!" - Rincewind belittles Scrofula in the Colour of Magic. (Death couldn't come as he was very busy and had to stalk the streets during a plague)

Fave Pirates of the Caribbean Quotes

"Why thank'ye Jack!" - "Your welcome" - "No not you, we call the monkey Jack" - Barbossa and Jack Sparrow in The Curse of the Black Pearl

"Oi! Fish face! Come to negotiate eh yeh slimy git? Look what I've got! (starts to sing) I've gotta jar of dirt, I've gotta jar of dirt and guess whats inside it?!" - Jack Sparrow taunts Davey Jones in The Dead Mans Chest

Sniffs the rock and licks it ". . . a . . . a rock? Now I'm being chased by rocks. Well that doesn't make any sense at all ..." - Jack Sparrow hallucinates in Davey Jone's Locker in At Worlds End

"NOBODY MOVE! I've dropped me brain . . ." - One of the aspects of Jack Sparrows character in At Worlds End

"Tia Look! (shoots Jack the Monkey( an Undead Monkey! Top that!" - Jack Sparrow in Dead Mans Chest

"James Norrington, what has the world done to you?" - Elizabeth to Norrington upon seeing him thrown into the mud

"And be called a Liar myself for me trouble! looks at Bootstrap Bill's dice Bootstrap Bill, you're a Liar and you will spend an eternity on this ship!! Master Turner, feel free to go ashore . . . the better next time we make port!!" - Davey Jones to Bootstrap Bill and Will Turner in the Liar's Dice game on the Flying Dutchman

"I will be free and when I am, I will give you my heart" - Tia Dalma/Calypso to Davey Jones in At Worlds End

"Ten years I devoted to the duty you charged me. For ten years I looked after those who died at sea and finally when we could be together again . . . you wern't there, why wern't you there?" - "Its my nature. Would you love me if I was anything but what I am?" - Davey Jones and Tia Dalma/Calypso and At Worlds End

"It's just . . . . good business . . ." - The last words of Cutler Beckett. Best death EVER!!

"If every town on Earth were like this one then no man would feel unwanted" - Jack Sparrow to Will about Tortuga

"Shoot him and cut out his tongue and then shoot his tongue! Trim that scraggley beard!" - Jack Sparrow in At Worlds End

(Sees the massive Royal Navy) "Errm . . . Parlay?" - Jack Sparrow in At Worlds End

Fave Mass Effect Quotes

"We have to give everything, even if that means our lives, we will stop at nothing! We will FIGHT for the Lost!" - Commander Shepard to the crew of the SR2 Normandy

"We don't know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, tens of thousands, it doesn't matter. What matters is this; Not. One. More. That's what we can do, here, today, it ends with US!" - Commander Shepard before the Omega 4 Relay Suicide Mission

"We'll fight and win without it, I won't let fear compromise who I am" - Commander Shepard on the Collector Base's gifts

"Windows are structural weaknesses, Geth do not use them" - Legion to Joker

"License to screw up Commander you heard it straight from the Ship!" - Joker on EDI's analysis of human predictability

"What could I possibly be suggesting? I mean, a young woman gets rescued by a dashing commander who lets her join his crew and then goes off to save the galaxy? How could she possibly develop any kind of interest in him?" - Tali'Zorah vas Normandy nar Rayya to Commander Shepard

"ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL" - Harbinger, you implacable, Magnificent Bastard

"I'm . . . open to suggestions" - Liara T'Soni Commander Shepard

"Betrayal repaid, Sidonis" - Garrus Vakarian

"Should have known the Void couldn't hold you" - Urdnot Wrex to Commander Shepard


"Geth do not intentionally infiltrate" - Legion on Geth Infiltration

"Then you will die. Everyone you know and love, everyone you have ever met. Don't you understand? You will ALL DIE" - Saren to Commander Shepard at the Battle of the Citadel

"Hell yeah! Put more of the stuff in the . . . place where stuff goes in . . ." - Drunk Shepard ordering a Ryncol :3

"Everything about Grunt is a lie!" *SHEPARD HEADBUTT* "You . . . you dare?" - "HAH! I like this Human! He understands!" Shepard puts Gatatog Uvenk in his place, Krogan style!

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