Disclaimer: I do not own any of the fandoms I write for. If I did, you can sure as heck bet I wouldn't be writing fanfiction for them!
My Community: "Of Lies, Love and Lost" is a collection of all the stories my friend Anaxn and I have written about Sakura being Orochimaru's daughter, Kabuto being a Hyuuga, and Sasuke being a fish. If you've been to or would like to visit this awesome community (Full of drama, angst, humor, and CRAAAAZY AUs) here's a list (Written by Anaxn) displaying what you'll find there, and the order you should read them in.
To those of you reading our regular fanfiction, here is a list of their titles in chronological order. It will be expanded with each new fanfic we write!
Sakura's Lament
False Identity
Bound by Fate
Heir of Sound Country
The Funeral
Double Deception
History Out of Order
Of Lies, Love and Lost: a collection of drabbles that take place before/after/during the above fanfics.
Of Betrayals, Hate and Home: a collection of drabbles that take place before/after/during the above fanfics.
We also wrote a separate piece of fanfiction involving Sasuke as a fish and his tormentors.
Two Psychos and a Fish
For your viewing pleasure, we have also written up a few alternate universes. Here they are, in all their madness!
Two Can Play at That Game
Grudges and Vengence
We also have a future story for Sasuke, Sakura and Kabuto's descendents. Here it is!
Bring Out the Pepper Spray
Now: A few things you should know about me:
Most of my stuff on here revolves around crazy theories, dreams, the future, angst and tragedy. Occasional humor and romance sprinkled in as well.
Ah yes, I also enjoy crossovers, if they're done well. I have a few on here myself, and will continue to write more in the future.
I have a LOT of alternate universe stories, and I love writing them, provided they're based in canon and not too extreme.
Past projects: I've rewritten the ending to a DP fic I read recently called 'TUE?' the fic itself was good, I really liked it, but I was dissapointed with the ending and decided to write a different one. The author, doinstuff, has given me permission, and after a bit of work it's now completed!! the finished version is called "TUE? rewritten end."
a link the original story: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4017181/1/TUE
Well, that's it! enjoy my fanfics!
Little Hufflepuff--Naruto
Twist of Fate--Kingdom Hearts
What Could Have Been preview--Fruits Basket
Of lies, love and lost--Naruto
My Ghostly Life--Scrubs and Danny Phantom
Framed--Malcolm in the Middle
Fairfarren, Alice--Alice in Wonderland, 2010
Put me back together--Malcolm in the Middle
Letters from the Lesser Loved--My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic