Hey my name is David Fishwick and i am nineteen living in Hong Kong. My favorite shows are Charmed, Buffy and Angel. I also like Harry Potter
Favorite characater on Charmed: Cole Turner he seems cool.
Favorite bad guys on Angel: Angelus, Beast, Lindsey and Holtz.
Favortie good guys on Angel: Angel, Connor, Wesley and Gunn, Spike.
Favourtie bad guys on Buffy: The Master, Adam, Caleb, Spike, Ethan Rayne and the First Evil.
Favorite good guys: Xander, Giles, Riley
Favourite bad girls on Angel: Eve, Jasmine, Justine, Darla and Drusilla, Lilah.
Favourite good girls on Angel: Cordelia and Fred.
Favourite bad girls on Buffy: Dark Willow, Maggie Walsh and Anyanka.
Favourite good girls on Buffy: Willow, Buffy and Dawn.
The pairings I support are: Gunn/ Fred, Wesley/Lilah, Spuffy, Bangel and Connor/ Dawn. But i don't mind reading anything else that is well written.