Just In
vastoisshin PM
Joined Feb '21

Nice day everyone I am just kind of here reading fics so not much to say than hi, but also most of my time goes to my work and thoughts so don't expect much from me. I will review as I please and will give a statement or opinion if you do not like said statement or opinion well it's a free country and I could take your opinion or feeling of the matter with a grain of salt. Statements are fair though it has to be based on truth and reason. I do hold some standards for myself mind you I try to keep these standards in real life not much in fiction, but thanks to one author I learn to keep the morality of one world and learned how to not implicate myself to said world although this author is a piece of shit for forcing the values of that world onto me during a debate and made it personal. I will not have personal conversations if I can help it and will just leave a review as is. Anyways have a good or fucked up day your choice.

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