Over the last year or so, I've been negelecting, not only this site, but some amazing stories. So I've decided to start anew. That means everything, from my profile and penname, to the stories I'm reading. I deeply apologize. *bows* So please allow me to re-introduce myself.
Please note my penname has NOTHING to do with politics. It means a tea party...as in the Hatter's deilightful get-together. ^^
Alias: Chipmunk...or Xia. Oh, and go clickon the homepage button to see my pretty deviantART account. ^w^
Favorite Anime/Manga: Hetalia. I'm a fangirl for this series and proud of it. *puffs out chest* And just for the record, my number one favorite charater is...*drumroll*...England. Everyone else is tied for second...a very close second.
Favorite Book(s): Alice in Wonderland and Throught the Looking-Glass. Love this book! I have many more favorites, but..well, that list would be very long.
Favorite Movies: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, Edward Scissorhands, Master of the World, Steam Boy, Sweeny Todd, Studio Ghibli movies, Sleepy Hollow, The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, and many more
Just General Chatter: Hello ladies and gents, and welcome to my page! As you may notice...I do not write stories. I'm not very good at it. BUT! I will R&R to most of the stories that I read. And as you also may noticed, I take my stories by obsessions. In other words, if I'm obsessed with the series, I'll read stories on it. I'm a fangirl, what can I say? Well, that's all for now. I may update this sometime...I don't know. Ta-ta my dearies!
Pairings: Here favorite pairings. But please note that they are not th eonly ones I read.
Hetalia: (Yay for my current obsession)
HRExChibitalia (I also support the 'Germany is HRE' theory)
FrancexUKxUS (I honestly don't know which I like better...FrancexUK of USxUK...)
PrussiaxUK (Yes...PrussiaxUK. It's my gulity pleasure I suppose. I blame Haunted Love by EdenandDeon. Go read it)
That's about it ^-^ Yes, I am a bit diverse in my ships.