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Wisteria-Blossoms PM
Joined Feb '08

I recently changed my author name to Wisteria-Blossoms. I had my old username helplessromantic for several years but Wisteria-Blossoms suits me better now.

The hanging Wisteria for me represent my happy place because my literal happy place was a little Wisteria covered gazebo in the city garden. Whenever I was sad or lonely I would drive over to the garden and sit on a bench under the Wisteria and just dream. When I moved away a couple years back, it was very hard because I knew big changes were coming and I'd have nowhere to run to. But in my mind I still have them with me.

Blue Wisteria

That day the Wisteria were blue

but they greeted me with a gentle sigh

A smile flickered on my face

even though my heart was breaking inside

This season is ending

they said to me

I knew it was time but still I pleaded

Please stay, I'm not ready

You know we can not

there is always next year

But there was a reason

their petals fell like tears

That day I cried

and the Wisteria were blue

I got up from my bench under their shade

“Goodbye my friends” I whispered “I'll never forget you”

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