Just In
Kaiser Washington
Joined Mar '08

It seems the call of fan fiction was too great to ignore. One wonders what I'm doing with my life.

To get to the nub of things, I wrote somewhere between 60 and 70 fics between 2008 and 2010, but deleted all of them around March 2011 in an event that shall forever be known as the Apocalypse. In the months and years that have followed, I have edited and re-uploaded a significant number of those purgèd fics, along with anything new that I may have been inspired to write.

Incidentally, I am also the founder of the Slam Dunk Wiki at slamdunk (dot) wikia (dot) com. It still baffles me that it hadn't existed before I made it. But as they say, history has a curious way of leading up to the present.

"Akira Sendoh is perhaps the greatest of basketball players."

- T. S. Eliot

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