Just In
Thiaf Yeroled PM
Joined Mar '08

Name: Thiaf L. Y.

Height: 5'3''

Nose: Large, but not really long, with roundy bits. It never wanders far from my face.

Good gods, this profile is old. The info's all still good (mostly), but ye gods, I must've been 15 when I wrote this. Actually, I was. The whole thing is tl;dr, but I don't have the heart to ctrl+a+delete it.

I've mostly moved on, fic-wise, to British TV shows where my favorite pairing is canon (Torchwood) or near that (Merlin). I like series with gay characters, but not enough that I will sit through another season of Glee and its freakishly unhealthy het romance plots, so I'm very fond of Doctor Who and not very fond of American television, period, right now. I've also moved on from fedoras, and wear suspenders as my accessory-of-choice instead (they're cheaper than belts, actually). Most of the fic I read is on LJ, so I'm almost never on here any more.

If there is a fic with crossdressers/transvestites/drag queens/drag kings/THE TRANS in it out there that DOES NOT have them c/ding because they are tricked into it/they have to/it is a dare/whatever, then I would love to read it. (I mean, a fic where they want to c/d. Because lots of people do, in some universes.) If you have written one, or read one that you think is good, please feel free to message me with it. I'll love you forever. I'm less interested in reading about full-on trans characters than crossdressers, though. Well, most of the time, anyways.

(There are not enough fics like this.)

Some of my more-favorite fics:

Fingertips, Inuyasha fic, forget by who. It was good. Long while since I read it.

Stigmata, Harry Potter fic, by Inferiorbeing. It was very good. Long while since I read it.

Ugly, a House fic, by MichantheNinja. It's unfinished, and only has two chapters, but I have been reading it/waiting impatiently for it to update for years now. (I must've started reading back in, oh, 2009? Maybe 2008? Still waiting as of 2011, and I don't even frequent anymore. But this fic is worth it, or at least it could be, if it were updated.)

Short most-favorites:

The Proverbial Queen, Harry Potter fic, by Kahty Kat. It's everything I love about Grindelore.

People like putting their favorite pairings up here, and mine are somewhat strange (and I tend to forget some of mine), so I may as well join the "band's wagon".


Anything with Sue Sylvester. She is hot.

I used to be a Kego fan (Kim/Shego). I also used to be a Xena fan, so Xena/Gabrielle and Joxer/Whoever should also be up here. I was also previously a Glee fan (I have been out of the fandom since season 1, and I've stopped watching the show as of late season 2), so there's Santana/Brittany and I also read some Puck/Kurt, but I never cared that much for it despite the whole bullying thing that I normally like.

I was a Burns/Smithers fan for a little while, that was fun. Slade/Robin, that was hot, and I had kinky fantasies about childhood TV characters as a child (it's not as bad as it sounds, but more depraved than you'd hope, so don't ask), so my memories weren't really ruined. I was also a brief Craig/Tweek fan, even though I have never watched more than two episodes of South Park and I can barely remember that it's called South Park even now.

Kagome/Inuyasha, way back when, was a favorite of mine. When I first got into manga, I liked Kikyou better than Kagome, but then I got in Inuyasha a second time, later, and was a fan of KagoInu 100% so long as the writer was good.

I was a LeeGaa fan, way back, a Nightcrawler/Toad fan more recently (but that fandom was so immature and stunted back then, for the most part...). I was an Angel/Spike and Angelus/Spike fan much more recently -- I still might cycle back into that fandom, actually, it was pretty great -- and a Buffy/Spike fan so long as Buffy was on top (because she's kind of hot like that).

There's Charles/Larry in that list up there -- I think I mean Numb3rs by that, don't I? I hated the series, but I briefly dabbled in the fandom because mother wouldn't put anything else on the tellie and Larry seemed like a cool character, I think.

For Harry Potter -- James Potter/Snape, Lucius Malfoy/Snape, Sirius Black/Snape, in that order. I'd go for Remus/Snape if I got sick of the slim pickings in my favorite pairings. Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy and Dudley Dursley/Draco Malfoy were two brief OTPs that I never found any fic for, which is sad.

I used to like House/Wilson. I was a dark!Wilson fan. But with the death of the dark!Wilson comm and the introduction of canon House/Cuddy, I've pretty much given up on House entirely. Not to say I don't still dabble in dark!Wilson pr0nfic, but that's pretty much all I dabble in with these two, any more.


Pairings I cannot stand:

Mary Sues, for obvs. This includes Cameron from House and T'Pring from Star Trek, because neither of them have personalities, I'm sorry.

Any romantic liaison between a canonically gay character and your favorite Mary Sue. Just because he also likes Malibu Stacy doesn't mean he'll magically be able to shtupp you.

Het pairings where the gender roles of the characters involved stick out like a sore thumb (e.g., if she's an Action Girl, she will generally be compensating for that -- I immediately go "wtf? what's she doing?" and then "oh wait, sexism, I forgot it existed." He will be unable to express himself emotionally. She will never rescue him from Deadly Danger. Queer pairings just do not have these problems, not in the same way anyways, so I can't relate to them, but more than that I do not care about/for them. I want this BS off my screen.)

Otherwise, it's all good.

My current life goals so far:

(1) Steal Jagger's scarf

(2) Give a rat a migraine headache

(3) Kill a living creature

(4) Kick a puppy in front of young children

(5) Defeat an alligator at tug-o'-war

(6) Have an erection lasting over 4 hours, without having a dick

(7) Topple an elephant

(8) Bully a gorilla in sign language

(9) Escape from a maximum-security childrens' preschool

(10) Urinate on the statue of George Washington at the United States Military Academy

(11) Escape from the United States Military Academy

(12) Deface a courtroom and give the judge a perm; if judge has preexisting perm, shave bald

(13) Gain Jessica Alba's bikini

(14) Give a dog a human bone

(15) Hollow out a bible and hide drugs in it

(16) Remove all magic from the world

(17) Dismantle the time-space continuum

(18) Create the first ever genetically altered tennis ball

(19) Replace all the strawberry jelly at the grocery store with thickened ketchup

(20) Crossdress as a male crossdresser crossdressing as a female crossdresser crossdressing as a male crossdresser crossdressing as...

(21) Bleach all the white and red clothes at the same time

(22) Mix Aspirin and alchohol, then set it on fire

(23) Continue to have Deoxyribonucleic Acid written on the back of hand for a very long time

(24) Steal someone's jacket

(25) Convince several people to have a protest against the most common use of Deoxyribonucleic Acid

(26) Wear a fedora

(27) Convince someone that my college-going coconut monkey is actually descended from Jesus Christ

(28) Cause a large, very loud explosion

(29) Memorize pi past 20th digit

(30) Convince my mother that I do not, in fact, have perfect pitch (I don't, fyi)

(31) Steal candy from an infant

(32) Kill an innocent bystander

(33) Remove all rainbows from the sky

(34) Squash a daisy.

(35) Remove all love from the world

(36) Destroy the concept of happiness

(37) Get sued for lobbing penguins at someone

(38) Get sister to say "no" to "magenta?"

(39) Cause 200 (or more) people to lose the game simultaneously. Which reminds me -- you lose.

(40) Trample the U.S. constitution with a stampede of water buffalo. Wait, no, Cheney already did that. Sorry.

(41) Lob sheep at an innocent bystander's head

(42) Unleash a stampeed of llamas on New York City

(43) Make a child cry

(44) Scratch that last one -- did that WAY too much when I /was/ a child. Stupid, oversensitive dahlings. WEAK!

(45) Grow a beard

(46) Set phasers to fabulous.

(47) Irritate Leonard Nimoy.

(48) Commit petty theft.

(49) Destroy Los Angeles in a flood of orange Kool Aid

(50) Shoot Bush in the forehead with a water gun filled with lemon lime soda. Rotten lemon lime soda.

(51) Create rotten lemon lime soda.

(52) Enact world domination, for the sole purpose of creating a water slide better than Kim Jong the Ill's. Or whatever his name was.

(53) Steal Palin's flute. It can be done.

(54) Consume an isolinear rod hidden behind the panel on a bulkhead in a certain tailor's quarters within the next 70-some hours.

(55) Make a pool entirely out of blue jell-o.

All of these are works in progress, but many of them will happen in the foreseeable future, hopefully. Wish me luck! If anyone has any advice on the physics issues in numbers 6, 11, 26, 30, and 51, (especially 30), I'd appreciate it! And I appologize for the overt sexuality in #28. About #38 -- inside joke, but is in fact a major challenge. Also, I consider #37, and #45, to be high-priority.


#26 is currently fulfilled! :D (I own 3. One is plastic.)

#31-#40 have been added more recently. (Jan 20th 2009, to be precise - OBAMA! :O)

#41-#55 added June 3rd 2009 (THE SIMS 3 ISARRIVINGATMYHOUSETODAY! GAH!)

#45 -- Six chin hairs, maybe seven if you count the short one. We're working on it. (July 22nd, 2009) Still only 6-7. Grr. (July 31st, 2010)

Several stupid goals changed as of October 11 2010. Particularly, Star Trek references. I only first watched DS9 a few days ago.

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