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animesims PM
Joined May '22

Moved to AO3! If you're still interested in reading My Yu Yu Hakusho fanfics (one at the moment called The Sisters- part 1), please look for them there. I'll still be under the same username (animesims). I won't be logging in much so here's a summary of my current WIP just in case.

The Sisters- part 1:

Not seeing eye to eye with their brother, Etsu and Kiyoko stop fighting for Koenma as they run off and stay in Living World to escape the constant drama. Instead of looking for his sisters and apologizing for his neverending BS (so they'd return home), Koenma starts the Spirit Detective program. Years later, Yusuke's been made Spirit Detective and befriends Koenma's sisters, and they eventually end up fighting alongside him and the others. Knowing that he has to put in the effort to stop being a jerk to his sisters, Koenma tries to patch things up with them and treat them respectfully even though it'll be a pretty rocky feat for him to accomplish. Part 1 will last up to near the beginning of the Dark Tournament.

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