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Cataquack Warrior PM
Joined Apr '08

Current Projects:

The Breeder and the Ninetales: A Pokémon fic. Begins with an alternate ending to the Johto episode Waiting On A Friend, in which the gang found shelter at a mysterious mansion owned by a woman Lokoko and her Ninetales, who both show interest in Brock. "Lokoko" turned out to be an illusion by Ninetales, whose master (with an appearance similar to Brock) left 200 years ago. Instead of leaving in the end once her Pokéball is destroyed, I want to see what happens if Lokoko decides to go with Brock, thus leading to a very different conclusion to the Johto saga. Highlights will include the return of Primeape and changes to the Red Gyrados arc, among other things. Brock/Lokoko and Ash/Misty pairings.

Team Zero: A Pokémon/Familiar of Zero crossover. Team Rocket is summoned as Louise's familiars, and are ready to help their new Boss in any way they can, whether she likes it or not. More chapters are available on SpaceBattles; I'm looking for a good beta to go through the chapters before I post them here.

Final Fantasy 0: A Final Fantasy/Familiar of Zero crossover in the form of a classic RPG. During the familiar ceremony, Louise accidentally sent herself to the world of the first Final Fantasy and became one of the Warriors of Light: Black Mage. The time reset after the final battle causes Louise to wake up back in Halkeginia, with no time having passed. However, she still has her crystal, and her adventure has only begun. I have an extensive outline for the game, but lack the technical experience necessary. Therefore, I am starting a collaborative project to bring the dream to life. Any help is welcome; either PM me or post on the respective thread on SpaceBattles.

Planned Projects:

Fiery Moon of Time: A Touhou Project fic. In one of her endless battles with Kaguya, Mokou ends up being sent back in time to ancient Japan during the infamous courtships of Kaguya. To save her father from humiliation and have revenge on Kaguya, Mokou sets out to bring back the Impossible Treasures herself and "court" Kaguya in disguise. However, her actions make ripples on the timeline that will make her question her revenge and feelings. Kaguya/Mokou pairing. Writing is currently underway.

Voyage of the Touhou: A Touhou Project/Star Wars crossover. During the events of Silent Sinner in Blue, something goes wrong with the Lunar Veil on board the rocket, causing the ship and its passengers to crash land on Dathomir in the Star Wars galaxy, 2 years after the Battle of Yavin. Thus begins an epic quest across the stars to return home, one that will change the destiny of the galaxy. I have written out an elaborate outline and have begun writing pieces. However, given the complexity of the envisioned story, I would appreciate collaborating with someone else familiar with the two series. If anyone is interested in working with me on this, please let me know. Story on hold due to the reshuffling of canon; if anyone is still interested in working with me on this though, please let me know

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