Just In
BxBforever PM
Joined May '08

Hi folks I'm Willow Chaning

I'm a girl

Twenty One,
I live in Michigan
I joined because none of the authors I wanted to review
allowed unsigned reviews.
I Love to read Beka Cooper stories on here.
My Favorite shows are Buffy, Angel, Bones, and maybe Charmed
My Favorite music is a Major in country with a minor in alternative rock
(very minor), athough I dabble in others.
I love reading, writing, and watching people play video games.

ONE thing that really bugs me is when people mess up things that don't have to be messed up for their story, like calling Epps ebb's or saying brennan's parents left her at 14 when really it was 15. If you're going to referance something from the show, get it right!

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