Hello!!! *waves* To anyone who was interested enough to drop by, you guys can call me Yenny :D I love reading fanfiction and my faves so far are..
Gundam Wing (Heero x Duo)
Naruto ( Sasuke x Naruto)
Slamdunk (Rukawa x Sakuragi)
... and others like Yami no Matsuei, Gravitation, Saiyuki, Prince of Tennis, but mostly of those three :D As you can see I have written for one fandom only, Slamdunk and I don't think I'd start writing for others since I was soooo lame!!!! God, looking back, (and after re-reading bits and pieces), I was such a n00bie!! The only thing that's stopping me from removing the fics altogether (or just deleting my profile) is 'you', the readers. And though I may have been remiss in the past, I wanna say THANKS!!! To all who have read and visited. *glomps you all*
Update: October 02, 2010.. Nope, not updating You, Me, and Him but for what it's worth, the draft is still in my hard drive :D
Oh, you guys can find me in Facebook!!! (look up Yenny Tan) and here's a link for my Fanfiction Rec site: Everlasting
Update: December 04, 2015.. Wow, it's been awhile. And nope, not here to update You, Me, and Him. Though I am honestly surprised to see that some readers are taking their time to push me to finish it. I'll look for the draft copy which I know I have saved somewhere. I'll check it. NO PROMISES. Anyways, I am not gonna write anytime soon. The muses has long since ran away *lol*. But, thank you... for the emails and the fact that you even read these fics... Just, thank you. Oh, is it too late to even mention that I was a novice at writing? Till next time