Welcome to my page :)
I have loved for a very long time. It has honestly saved me so many times, not just from mundane things like boredom when on a train or in a car etc but also from the real world. I love my life, I do, but sometimes the world out there is so frigging big and so frigging scary that I need to get away from it all and this website full of incredible stories written by wonderfully talented writers has allowed me to do that. I started reading stories on here a long time before I even set up an account and then it took years for me to develop my confidence enough to write anything to publish on here. Ever since I started writing my stories I've grown as a person. You see, these stories that I write and read are a secret, I don't think I have ever mentioned the existence of ffnet to anybody, ever. The reason for this is that it's mine, my personal little retreat for when everything else gets too much. I like being able to properly involve myself in a fictional world that is so beautifully different to real life.
If you've read any of my stories, thank you.
If you've reviewed any of my stories, THANK YOU.
If you've enjoyed any of my stories I'm super glad to have you as a reader.
Please note that ALL of my stories will one day be finished, that is my aim, but I can't promise when they'll be completed.