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Favorite Stories 141
43Shattered Heart and Soul » by TheCreativeOne17 Lucas is happily married and soon to be a father. When a tragic accident claims his wife and unborn child, he doesn't know what way is up. Recovering from his devastating loss, his friends and family surround him to help him carry on while being a single father.
One Tree Hill, K+, English, Angst & Tragedy, chapters: 14, words: 22k+, favs: 13, follows: 20, updated: 9/29/2021 published: 7/21/2012, Lucas S.
39 The Illness And Injury Collection » by Lifeshandful A collection of (very) long one shots of illnesses and injuries.
SEAL Team, K, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 21, words: 407k+, favs: 89, follows: 67, updated: 7/7/2020 published: 3/18/2020, Clay S., Jason H., Sonny Q., Brock R.
47 Even The Best » by taylorandmacster10 As the song goes, even the best fall down sometimes. This is a story encompassing a fateful night in Jay Halstead's life. While it required a difficult decision, the consequences of his choice culminate into a near fatal situation. This is more than a Jay Whump story. This is a story of falling down and getting back up: life.
Chicago PD, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 8, words: 37k+, favs: 90, follows: 67, updated: 1/2/2019 published: 12/14/2018, H. Voight, J. Halstead, A. Ruzek, H. Upton
106Only Unofficial Life » by hitchcock-starlet ."My plan to undermine Arthur is underway. Soon Uther will detest the sight of his own son." A more brutal way that Beauty and the Beast could have played out. Arthur bears the brunt of his father's enchanted anger. Arthur angst abounds; NO SLASH HERE!
Merlin, T, English, Angst & Adventure, chapters: 6, words: 10k+, favs: 72, follows: 114, updated: 9/12/2018 published: 2/11/2010, Arthur
96Living for You » by X-Breath of Fresh Air-X One day Brian just gets up and leaves. No one but him knows why. The team is furious and Mia is left broken hearted all over again. But what happens when they come to learn the truth? Rated T for some swearing.
Fast and the Furious, T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 6, words: 6k+, favs: 230, follows: 290, updated: 4/12/2015 published: 2/18/2010, Brian O., Mia
196 Accidents » by godsdaughter77 John gets in an accident and conflict ensues. John and Rodney both get whumped and its set during the time Elizabeth and Carson still inhabit Atlantis. NOW COMPLETE!
Stargate: Atlantis, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, chapters: 10, words: 43k+, favs: 124, follows: 109, updated: 7/20/2014 published: 10/16/2008, Rodney M., John S.
138 Betrayal or Not » by Dragon91 Has Sam betrayed his team or not? Not real good summary but please read and let me know what you think. Not much if an Sam&Jules.
Flashpoint, T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 30, words: 67k+, favs: 46, follows: 54, updated: 1/19/2014 published: 11/3/2012, Ed L., Sam B.
151He Never Cries » by SouthernHemmy This is a first for me! Finn and Puck. I dont know where the relationship is going yet, but I had to write it after the pics of them in NYC. The chemistry is there. So please read, review if you want. The rating will go up later. And I love Puck angst!
Glee, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Drama, chapters: 24, words: 83k+, favs: 92, follows: 117, updated: 10/16/2013 published: 5/5/2011, Puck, Finn H.
25Broken and Beautiful » by SouthernHemmy Puck after Juvie AU...Just a differnt twist...It will be dark and a haunting journey..The pairing is with an OC I thought of..Puck has so much inside of himself that needs to be explored..And a friend or two to help him along the way...Please review!
Glee, K+, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 39, words: 46k+, favs: 18, follows: 22, updated: 10/14/2013 published: 11/6/2010, Puck
146 Point Man » by LastChancetoBreathe Yes, where is that little Point Man of yours? Misplaced him, have you?
Inception, T, English, Drama, chapters: 12, words: 22k+, favs: 130, follows: 174, updated: 8/7/2013 published: 8/3/2010, D. Cobb, Arthur
58Dark Waters » by stoptheangst ...then he would scan the room in search of something. Lucas would analyze it all then shut down like a dying cell phone. He had been seeing less and less of him in public and the house calls were becoming more frequent.
One Tree Hill, T, English, Drama & Angst, chapters: 13, words: 46k+, favs: 13, follows: 36, updated: 6/23/2013 published: 1/5/2009, Lucas S., Peyton S.
140Getting To Know The Real Larry Sawyer » by OTHandOCaddict Larry is more than just a father. He has desires and a sex life of his own. Ask his daughter's BFF, Brooke Davis - she knows first hand. And soon enough, Brooke's not alone... To be fair, he's not Peyton's real Dad *smut,language,romance* WRITING IMPROVES
One Tree Hill, M, English, Humor, chapters: 21, words: 57k+, favs: 49, follows: 45, updated: 5/18/2013 published: 10/24/2008, Brooke D., Peyton S.
29A Son for a Son » by darkstorm54 Hal and Maggie are ambushed while out on patrol and Maggie is the only one to make it back to camp and the aliens wants to make a trade.
Falling Skies, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 6, words: 3k+, favs: 18, follows: 36, updated: 4/27/2013 published: 9/7/2012, Hal M., Ben M.
137 Save One » by purplepidgioncommandbase The day finally happened. Hal had been harnessed. Now he must cope with having an alien leech on his back and marked as a potential threat to his loved ones. Will he be strong enough to face the coming storm? -the title and all chapters will be named using SOTY song titles that are attuned to those chapters. WAR: Major Hal whump!
Falling Skies, T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 29, words: 77k+, favs: 47, follows: 44, updated: 3/26/2013 published: 6/29/2012, Hal M.
132The Queer Queen » by Wraith Fan Sheppard is captured by Wraith and meets their Queen. She's not your average Wraith Queen and John's developing feelings for her,and so is she. Will they give in to their feelings? In the mean time the battle with the Replicators and other enemies (including Michael) rages on...
Stargate: Atlantis, T, English, Sci-Fi & Romance, chapters: 16, words: 91k+, favs: 60, follows: 65, updated: 2/1/2013 published: 3/29/2008, John S.
140 Hurtfully Yours » by Lazarus76 Arthur is showing signs of a deadly secret - will he let the team get close enough to save him? Rated M for adult themes.
Inception, T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 79, words: 112k+, favs: 43, follows: 34, updated: 1/1/2013 published: 12/29/2010, Arthur, Ariadne
39 Rescue the Fallen by Andorian Ice Princess-AIP Severide brushes off Casey's concern over his injury. But what happens when the next life on the line is Casey's? Will Severide's stubborness cost Casey his life? Casey peril/Severide comfort OS Based on eppy 1.09 It Ain't Easy 'contains some spoilers'
Chicago Fire, T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 4k+, favs: 104, follows: 33, 12/16/2012, M. Casey, K. Severide
62 A New Understanding by Andorian Ice Princess-AIP After a tough shift and a tense argument, Casey and Severide part ways in heated disagreement. But in the parking lot one is jumped by two angry men wanting some payback, forcing the other to take action and a new unspoken understanding to form.
Chicago Fire, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Drama, words: 4k+, favs: 135, follows: 28, 10/30/2012, M. Casey, K. Severide
87 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder » by Epsarrow PTSD is a mental health disorder that can occur after experiencing or seeing something traumatic. It can be minor. It can be serious. Sometimes it can be deadly. Sequel to REHABILITATION. Likely contains Hal, Ben, Maggie, Tom and perhaps other character whump! Rated T. Psychological whump can be disturbing for some readers. Please proceed with caution and pay attention to notes!
Falling Skies, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Suspense, chapters: 21, words: 24k+, favs: 21, follows: 23, updated: 9/18/2012 published: 8/9/2012, Hal M., Ben M.
143Rehabilitation » by Epsarrow After getting gravely wounded, Hal must try and recover and gain back the use of his leg if he ever hopes to be a soldier again. Along the way, his father, brothers, and other unlikely sources help him along... and some try their hardest to push him back. Blood, violence, possible language. Read and review for "looking fors".
Falling Skies, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 32, words: 39k+, favs: 48, follows: 45, updated: 8/5/2012 published: 6/26/2012, Hal M.
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