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Favorite Stories 35
468 Proof of Heaven » by Pamena A world in which Lucy never took the poison, Johanna is no one's ward, and Sweeney Todd comes home to a normal family. Sweenett.
Sweeney Todd, T, English, Romance, chapters: 17, words: 137k+, favs: 333, follows: 265, updated: 11/21/2020 published: 4/14/2009, Eleanor L., Sweeney T.
8 Intervention by MegaOtaku777 Sour Cream hasn't been acting quite right for a while, and Buck and Jenny are determined to help him, no matter how much he fights it. Rated M for blood, self-harm, depression, and anorexia.
Steven Universe, M, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 3k+, favs: 24, follows: 11, 11/20/2015, Buddy B., Sour Cream, Buck D.
51Trick or Treat » by BLongo123 When Gwen spends Halloween sneaking into a vacant house, who will she find to spend the rest of the night with? Rated M for bad language, mature content, and sex scenes.
Total Drama series, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 66, follows: 42, updated: 8/13/2011 published: 10/25/2010, Gwen, Duncan
11Running in Circles » by spicehnoodles "This ... This is wrong," she whispered. But he didn't stop, and she didn't stop. And because of that, they were in too deep — even if they didn't care at the moment.
Total Drama series, T, English, Drama, chapters: 2, words: 9k+, favs: 10, follows: 8, updated: 7/5/2011 published: 6/14/2011, Duncan, Gwen
17 Seven by Cereal-Killa There has always been some type of link between them. Duncan/Gwen. -Dedicated to Iluvpurpleandblack99-
Total Drama series, M, English, Romance & Drama, words: 3k+, favs: 69, follows: 29, 6/5/2011, Duncan, Gwen
250 The Hostile Hookup » by anonymousreader07 After finding themsevles attending the same school, they also find themselves caught up in embarresment, lies, betrayel, revenge and a dangerous charade that begins to fool even them. Highschool can really suck! DxH slight AU.
Total Drama series, M, English, Romance, chapters: 27, words: 323k+, favs: 154, follows: 81, updated: 5/6/2011 published: 2/16/2009, Duncan, Heather
122The Art of Seduction » by RainbowBrite64 Rachel Berry is set to audition for the role of an innocent girl transformed into sexy vixen after becoming involved with a charmingly seductive young man. She needs someone with expertise in matters of seduction and sensuality. Enter Noah Puckerman.
Glee, M, English, Romance, chapters: 6, words: 9k+, favs: 93, follows: 287, updated: 2/19/2011 published: 2/7/2010, Rachel B., Puck
9 Compromises by Cereal-Killa It shouldn't have hurt that bad to sit down. -Duncan/Geoff-
Total Drama series, K+, English, Romance & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 17, follows: 4, 1/19/2011, Duncan, Geoff
9 Dancing with Danger by xXTaintedArtistXx Danger is a claming,wild dance and when the music fades and she's left waiting on the deserted dance floor, Gwen can believe that the little girl that looks like her and Duncan's promises of forever weren't so far-fetched after all.
Total Drama series, T, English, Romance & Poetry, words: 1k+, favs: 15, 12/8/2010, Duncan, Gwen
20A Little Dizzy » by Murdoch Rouge of the Morgue The fiery haired beauty pursed her lips and gave a thoughtful glance back into the makeshift homestead her reluctant companion was just about to enter then pointed a thin finger towards the roof, now sporting a gaping hole. "Just dropped in, I guess!"
Total Drama series, T, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 3, words: 12k+, favs: 11, follows: 10, updated: 7/28/2010 published: 6/16/2010, Duncan, Izzy
153Capitulation » by Moofins D/C. She had always heard that he had an obsessive personality, yet she had never paid much mind to it. Unfortunately for her, he had every intention of showing her just how pleasurable rebellion could be.
Total Drama series, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 12, words: 35k+, favs: 116, follows: 105, updated: 5/2/2010 published: 9/7/2008, Duncan, Courtney
7The Tin Soldier by Calamity Now It was almost childish the way that Duncan viewed the world, so convinced of the role everyone played as if it were all a game. He was the tin soldier with one leg, and she was the paper ballerina and the goblin; Bittersweet. PwP
Total Drama series, T, English, Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 5, 12/16/2009, Duncan, Bridgette
6Johnny and Lo » by Venetian King Title speaks the truth. please review! Rating will be brought up to M soon!
Stoked, T, English, Romance, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 5, follows: 2, updated: 9/27/2009 published: 7/28/2009, Johnny, Lo
18 Summer's Cauldron by MadiYasha Please don't heed my shouts, I'm relax in the undertow. DxG, smut
Total Drama series, M, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 2k+, favs: 50, follows: 8, 8/26/2009, Gwen, Duncan
44 Of Surfers and Cross Dressers » by Winter-Rae Broseph takes it upon himself to help Johnny finally hook up with Emma. However, Reef keeps interfering in his quest to find out the identity of Broseph's secret girlfriend. And why is Ripper in a dress? Read on to find out!
Stoked, T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 6k+, favs: 50, follows: 16, updated: 7/30/2009 published: 7/27/2009, Emma, Johnny
32 The TDI's User Guide For: Duncan by Winter-Rae Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a DUNCAN unit! In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your juvenile delinquent, bad boy, please follow the instructions inside.
Total Drama series, T, English, Humor & Parody, words: 1k+, favs: 64, follows: 9, 7/28/2009, Duncan
34 The TDI's User Guide for: Harold by Winter-Rae Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a HAROLD unit! In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your keeper of mad skills please follow the instructions inside.
Total Drama series, T, English, Humor & Parody, words: 1k+, favs: 45, follows: 5, 7/22/2009, Harold
17Overheated by PorcelainDoll304 Duncan is hot. Justin helps down. Duncan/Justin Rated M for a reason
Total Drama series, M, English, Romance & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 67, follows: 9, 6/22/2009, Duncan, Justin
164 Denial it's not just a River in Egypt » by BroadwayBabe4 Duncan/Courtney. Chris over hears Courtney and Duncan arguing and just can't help but exploit it for better ratings. a little bit of Bridgette/Geoff, Gwen/Trent and some DJxOC. EDITING IN PROGRESS
Total Drama series, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 16, words: 17k+, favs: 80, follows: 63, updated: 6/13/2009 published: 8/20/2008, Courtney, Duncan
1k+The New School » by DubbleV you think YOUR last year at High School was bad? read this and compare. Many years after TDI and Courtney ends up going to Duncan's high school for the last year. a few close friends, a few close enemies, and more then the normal teen can handel.
Total Drama series, T, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 77, words: 93k+, favs: 214, follows: 144, updated: 6/9/2009 published: 7/28/2008
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