Name : Jasmin
Age: 20
Height: 5'0" / 1,52 m
Fav Colour: Blue, Red and Green
Fav Subject in School: English
Fav Movies: All Marvel and DC movies :D Peter Pan and almost every other Disney movie, Rise of the Guardians, Transformers, Fast And Furious, Tron Legacy, Sherlock Holmes, The A-Team and much more
Fav TV Shows: Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Being Human, Torchwood, Smallville, Nikita, Buffy, Angel,True Blood,Legend Of The Seeker, The Vampire Diaries, Sanctuary, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Superatural, Firefly, Castle, House MD,Merlin, Lie To Me, NCIS
Fav Director: Tim Burton I love every single movie that is directed by him, Michael Bay (Hey he directed Transformers what more is there to say? xD He's freakin awesome!), Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight is one of the best movies ever!) , James Cameron
About me: Haaay ;)
I like to read, write stories, watch movies or listen to music.
I'm a big Disney and Comic movie fan.
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Halloween!! It is the best damn time of the year!! I still celebrate it even if some people say I'm too old :D Last year I dressed up as Harley Quinn xD and I went from house to house with my little cousin who was dressed as a fairy ( quite a pair eh? :D) and even though I'm much too old for it I still got candy xD
I'm a total Batman freak xD
My favourite villain is the joker ( Why so serious?!) !! Others I like : The Riddler, scarecrow, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy... catwoman is kind of cool,too.
My fascination with the joker began with the first batman movie. Jack Nicholson played him back then. With the movie the dark knight it grew even more. Now I'm really obsessed you could say xD
I'm in love with Peter Pan!
The Cheshire Cat is the best damn character that every existed. Aside from Peter Pan and the Joker of course.