Just In
NineKings PM
Joined Aug '08

Greetings, I seek the knowledge to continue leave me be.

My Quotes

"can't beat them, destroy them" - Drake druecane

"Power doesn't corrupt, only it's insatible thirst for more" - Drake Druecane

"i only want vengence is that wrong" - Drake Druecane

"i'm free, aren't you" - Drake Druecane

"sticks and stones may break bones, True, but i'm not the one with broken bones or needing sticks and stones" - Drake Druecane

"To act as something you are not is to be not what you really" - Drake Druecane

"peace breeds life and brings uncertainty, war breeds understanding and brings dreath" - Drake Druecane

"life sucks so enjoy it while it lasts, because death blows" - Drake Druecane

"Those who seek war are lost in its lust for more" - Drake Druecane

"you played the piece, now its the piece's turn to play you" - Drake Druecane

put togethers

welcome to life, wish to die yet, then get in line like everyone else, but no budging

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