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LouphiaTheHobbit PM
My Stories 13
396In a Hole in the Ground » After the battle of five armies and the death of Thorin Oakenshield, Kíli's life changes drastically. Together with an exiled she-elf he ends up in an unlikely place: The Shire. This is the story of how a certain dwarf came to live in the Shire, hidden from his kin and rarely visited by the King under the mountain. Fluff, a little drama and maybe baby-dwelfs!
Hobbit, T, English, Romance & Family, chapters: 24, words: 68k+, favs: 284, follows: 369, updated: 1/10/2015 published: 1/27/2014, Bilbo B., Fíli, Kíli, Tauriel
4 The Last Stand of the Line of Durin » The end of the line of Durin through the eyes of Fíli, Kíli and Thorin. Major character death and spoilers for both, book and film. Three chapters for three dwarves, mini-fics!
Hobbit, K+, English, Tragedy & Family, chapters: 3, words: 1k+, favs: 7, follows: 7, updated: 1/4/2015 published: 12/10/2014, Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Tauriel
11 Kiss Me Under The Fire Moon Fíli reflects on his brother and watches over him, always. Because that's what brothers do, even if it means standing guard on private moments. And thanks to that he witnesses some romance. Also, some brotherly advice is in order!
Hobbit, K, English, Romance & Family, words: 4k+, favs: 53, follows: 15, 2/16/2014, Kíli, Tauriel
13 A brilliant smile Kili and Tauriel fight back to back in the battle of five armies when fate strikes… Warning: major character death
Hobbit, T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 629, favs: 35, follows: 3, 12/16/2013, Kíli, Tauriel
11Worried Sick OR Seeing Straight » Rick now knew, what worried sick means while Alexis is even surprising herself when staying strong for everyone's sake. The moments after the shot and a few days into what happens afterwards. Castle and Alexis are focus, which is why the title is divided
Castle, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 8, follows: 15, updated: 5/21/2011 published: 5/18/2011, Alexis C., Rick C.
1 Evidence "So... you've been going over it with Lanie?" Ryan teasing Esposito about ... a certain someone. Set in 3x6 or around that time I don't really remember I watched so many episodes today ;
Castle, K, English, Friendship & Humor, words: 349, favs: 4, 5/21/2011, Javier E., Kevin R.
10 Fixing him Alexis doesn't know what's gotten into her father. He's been crying for hours. So she gets him the only thing that'll help... A certain detective shows up and the pair ends up having a talk they should have had a few hour earlier set after Countdown
Castle, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 3k+, favs: 43, follows: 6, 3/2/2011, Rick C., Kate B.
2026 moments » 26 moments during Lanie's pregnancy. Can be read as a sequel to "Just a bit of nauseas". Moments do not occur in a chronological order. Pairing is Lanie/Esposito, Rating just to be safe
Castle, T, English, Romance & Family, chapters: 5, words: 4k+, favs: 20, follows: 22, updated: 8/26/2010 published: 8/18/2010, Javier E., Lanie P.
115I send this, just in case » Shortly after starting his trip to the Hamptons, Castle gets a bad feeling about the whole thing and just in case something happens he sends Kate something... Kate/Rick with a good bit of Lanie/Esposito
Castle, T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 13, words: 12k+, favs: 42, follows: 62, updated: 8/24/2010 published: 7/22/2010, Rick C., Kate B.
26 Just a bit of nauseas » Lanie's being sick... Someone's pretty worried... and I really don't want to give away too much. Pairing is Lanie/Esposito and I worte this 'cause there faaar to less about them out there... ;
Castle, K+, English, Romance, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, favs: 21, follows: 12, updated: 8/18/2010 published: 8/15/2010, Javier E., Lanie P.
17 But that is brilliant! Merlin, Angelina what is wrong?" George asked, almost angry. "I..." - sob. "Angelina, calm down." She stopped staring at her plate... not as dramatic as it seems!
Harry Potter, K+, English, Romance & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 25, 11/12/2009, Angelina J., George W.
5 Losing him What was the last moment Fred and George Weasley shared? What did George feel the moment Fred died? Read and find out! Contains DH spoilers obviously NO TWINCEST! Oneshot
Harry Potter, K+, English, Angst, words: 529, favs: 9, 10/14/2009, George W., Fred W.
25 George's Letter George Weasley can't cope with his brothe's death, so he decides to ease the pain... NO TWINCEST!, rated T for murder just to be sure
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama, words: 4k+, favs: 25, follows: 6, 9/1/2009, George W., Fred W.
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