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Kithrin PM
My Stories 38
358 Candidate Rebirth » A boy dies, and has been reborn. A goddess gets what she always wanted, so does the boy. What they get, isn't what they expected. Fem-Harry, no pairings yet, but probably a Neptunia character/Harry.
Harry Potter & Hyperdimension Neptunia, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 25, words: 65k+, favs: 804, follows: 960, updated: 7/6/2022 published: 5/16/2018, Harry P., Vert/Green Heart
116 Son of a Ship » Harry is flung into an alternate reality by the blood wards snapping, there he will find a family and hope. Enterprise/Belfast, Harry/KMS Odin/IJN girl/HMS Vampire/USS girl/and a surprise.
Harry Potter & Azur Lane/碧蓝航线, T, English, Family, chapters: 6, words: 14k+, favs: 463, follows: 563, updated: 6/17/2022 published: 4/25/2021, [Enterprise, Belfast] [Harry P., Vampire]
110Monstergirl Harry » Harry is sick of being weak. He sees humans as weak and untrustworthy, combined with an image his cousin had been punished for printing off the internet, he would change himself. minor cross with Monstergirl Encyclopedia and Monstergirl Quest, not enough IMO to warrant tag. low Priority. rating is to be safe.
Harry Potter, M, English, Supernatural, chapters: 5, words: 12k+, favs: 491, follows: 593, updated: 10/18/2021 published: 4/27/2019
67 The Summoning of Leviathan » Dumbledore convinces the Potters to relinquish their daughter after the Dark Lord fails to kill her, and he places her with the Dursleys to shield her from her fame, but after an incident she is transported to another world. she is summoned back to her original timeline due to a poorly thought out plan. Femharry IS Leviathan. no pairings so far.
Mega Man & Harry Potter, T, English, Fantasy & Sci-Fi, chapters: 3, words: 9k+, favs: 376, follows: 461, updated: 8/24/2021 published: 8/12/2020
90 Kithrin's Cerebral Flatulence » A place to dump story starts to get them out of my head, may never expand them, feel free to adopt. Mostly Harry Potter, Naruto, or Ranma Crossovers. Some random orphan Omakes will probably hit here, if they don't fit in a story.
Misc. Anime/Manga & Misc. Books, T, English, chapters: 17, words: 30k+, favs: 105, follows: 108, updated: 6/28/2021 published: 2/19/2019
121Harry and Vampire » A vampire running from justice meets an abused child and new possibilities open. Better summary coming when I can think of one. Title corrected Harry/OC/OC/OC
Harry Potter, M, English, Supernatural & Fantasy, chapters: 7, words: 17k+, favs: 665, follows: 831, updated: 6/11/2021 published: 7/15/2019, [OC, Harry P.]
269 Demon and Angel » Two summoning circles, a lonely boy, demons, angels, and a newly FUBAR fate. This will screw up many plans. (description and rating to change) HP/oc/oc
Harry Potter & Disgaea, T, English, Humor, chapters: 16, words: 40k+, favs: 967, follows: 1k+, updated: 6/11/2021 published: 2/20/2017, [Harry P., OC, OC]
24 Death's Prank » The Deathly Hollows, wand, cloak, stone. collect all and become the master of death... or do you? harry, due to many aspects needing entertainment is granted these artifacts, which opens him to being manipulated by Death. Beware multicross.
Misc. Anime/Manga & Harry Potter, T, English, Supernatural, chapters: 2, words: 5k+, favs: 136, follows: 173, updated: 9/24/2020 published: 9/7/2020, Harry P.
167 Harry and the Moon Cell » Fate/Extella cross, a true one this time instead of taking some characters. A glitch transports Harry to the Moon Cell, AU post Flame Poem arc, and grants him what he would otherwise lack, a large family. Harry/a female Berzerker/ female Assassin so far, might have others. Big/little sister Caster. Grey Harry, semi-crack.
Harry Potter & Fate/stay night, T, English, Humor, chapters: 12, words: 33k+, favs: 747, follows: 914, updated: 2/8/2020 published: 9/21/2017, [Harry P., Berserker, Assassin]
121 Son of Time » There were two children at the Potter's the night Voldermort attacked, one was left there by an old friend, and the other was the Heir to the house of Potter. One was picked up by the friend, one was sent to the Dursleys. The problem? The two were sent to the wrong destinations. Now Harry's mother has reunited with him, and she IS. NOT. HAPPY. Starts at the end of year 1.
Harry Potter & Touhou Project, T, English, Humor, chapters: 8, words: 17k+, favs: 406, follows: 504, updated: 1/10/2020 published: 2/15/2017
420 Harry and the Botched Cult Ritual » Harry is kidnapped and subjected to a ritual by a large group of cultists, and three servants were bound to him, and due to an incompetent drunkard the wrong forms were filled out when one applied for custody resulting in an engagement. The Dursley's would be horrified that Harry became happy due to it.Warning, massive amount of death in first chapter. Harry/Rider/Avenger/Lancer.
Harry Potter & Fate/stay night, T, English, Fantasy, chapters: 11, words: 30k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 11/24/2019 published: 9/25/2018, [Harry P., Rider, Avenger, Lancer]
93 Alchemist Harry » Something goes terribly wrong when Dumbledore tries to leave Harry with the Dursleys. Well wrong for Dumbledore at least.
Harry Potter & Atelier Iris, T, English, chapters: 7, words: 15k+, favs: 384, follows: 464, updated: 11/22/2019 published: 11/29/2010, Harry P.
74Dark Love » Death, Love, Treachery, Darkness, and Life. Sometimes, one needs to die to really live. Starts out dark. Harry/OC
Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 10, words: 29k+, favs: 271, follows: 323, updated: 10/18/2019 published: 7/26/2017, [Harry P., OC]
43 Aura Ranma » Curious about how the troubles of the world affected the real world Aura tries to leave the world hitch hiking on somebody's body.
Ranma & .hack/SIGN, T, English, chapters: 3, words: 4k+, favs: 131, follows: 180, updated: 9/4/2019 published: 5/30/2011, Ranma, Aura
258 A New Fate and Destiny: Rituals and Servants » a HP/Fate Extella cross. Lilly tries something unusual to save her son, and thing go wrong... or is it right? or just odd? Two servants, a frustrated Dumbledore, a competent education, and plans go awry. Harry/A Saber/ A Caster eventually. No Artoria.
Harry Potter & Fate/stay night, T, English, Humor, chapters: 9, words: 20k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 7/4/2019 published: 6/21/2017, [Harry P., Caster, Saber]
14 Ranmas Holy Tournament » Fate/Extra Ranma 1/2 cross. Ranma is returns after a death tournament with his loves. he confronts his past to clear the way for his future. Ranma/Archer/Another Master. Non-cannon Servant. Ranma replaces the original MC. Sorry, crappy summary. Oneshot, unless i get board or enough people ask for more, 10 chapters max if continued.
Ranma & Fate/Extra, T, English, Fantasy, chapters: 2, words: 6k+, favs: 72, follows: 61, updated: 2/12/2019 published: 12/10/2018
23 Foxstar one half » Rewrite of Dragonstar. Phantasy star/Naruto/Ranma cross.A guardian whom believes she is a failure, a martial artist looking for a new life, and a land of ninja's, what can go wrong? OC/OC/Ranma subject to change all other pairings undecided.
Ranma & Naruto, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 11k+, favs: 61, follows: 67, updated: 11/25/2018 published: 9/10/2011, Ranma
11 Ranma's Light of Hope Harvest Moon LoH cross. Ranma examines his life, and asks himself questions. The questions lead him to take a Journey of discovery, and eventually happiness. Ranma/Harvest Goddess/Nova/Soleil eventually.
Ranma & Harvest Moon, T, English, words: 2k+, favs: 75, follows: 92, 9/20/2018, [Ranma, Harvest Goddess]
95 UnderHarry: The True Fic » I had requests to make the previous one a true fic, but I had other ideas and a runaway muse. Harry's uncle sends him into the underground, where he finds family, friends, and watches the other human proceed through the underground. She better behave, or else... A tale of Screwed up Resets and family. Starts before Harry hits Hogwarts. Harry/Chara/Frisk. SPOILERS! Fem Frisk & Chara
Harry Potter & Undertale, T, English, Supernatural & Family, chapters: 11, words: 19k+, favs: 380, follows: 415, updated: 5/8/2018 published: 2/27/2018, [Harry P., Frisk, Chara] Sans
2Feartale An afraid Frisk, a non-completely homicidal Chara, some very odd soul interactions. Genocide rout. no pairings. Oneshot. definitively gendered characters. Better summery opinions wanted.
Undertale, T, English, Angst & Supernatural, words: 2k+, favs: 5, follows: 6, 4/23/2018
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