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B.A Victoria PM
Joined Nov '08

Hello people! My name is B.A Victoria (I'm sooo not giving you my real name) and I'm currently writing a novel of my own that dosen't involve fanfiction. I'm not sure I'm going to finish it or not. I mean I want to but sometimes, or if you ask my mom all the time, I can be very lazy and I just lose interest. I'm in my junior year and I'm currently working on a hellsing fanfic. I am kind of worried that I won't finish it but I'm working on that too. People seem to like my stories so I hate to dissapoint them.

I love to read though. My dad says that I'm a voracious reader. I swear if I really like a 400 paged book i could finish it in like a day. I also like reading allot of fanfiction. I mostly read Hellsing, Naruto , and Harry Potter but sometimes I read from other shows or books if I get bored. I also love to watch anime. I usually like to stick with the english dubbed anime but if a show is really interesting I don't mind reading subtitles. For example I wachted Back Butler when it wasn't in english becuase I just loved it! Though I didn't care much for the ending. What I hate about English dubbed anime is that sometimes the characters will be reading something and it would be in Japanese but I won't know what it is saying! It really bothers me. Sometimes the show will have something to the side that will tell me what it says but most of the time it dosen't.

I don't mind school to much but I hate science. Well I don't really hate it per say, I'm just not good at it. I'm not really good in math either but I am getting better at it so I don't mind it so much anymore.

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