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LuvCullens PM
Joined Dec '08

I am a 32 year old stay at home mother of three, who fell in love with Twilight a few years ago. I have always wanted to write and have always had a crazy imagination but was too embarrassed to tell anyone the things that go through my head. A friend introduced me to fanfiction and I was hooked. I decided to try writing my own and am having a fabulous time doing it. I don't know if I am a great storyteller or writer, but I will tell you I love trying.

My passions are reading, writing, the outdoors, and my family.

Below are a list of my favorites, and I promise every single one is AMAZING so go and check them out.

There are a few stories that have been pulled from fanfiction by the authors for various reasons. I think these should absolutely be read and if you can find them somewhere else, I promise you won't be sorry because they are the best of the best.

Trust In Advertising by VJGM it is now a book you can purchase. "Trust in Advertising" by Victoria Michaels. ( I bought it on my Kindle)

University of Edward Masen by SebastienRobichaud. This too has been published, "Gabriel's Inferno" by Sylvain Reynard, also on my beloved Kindle.

Shadows by Pears

Coming To Terms by GinnyW31

I swear they are the best, I mean besides my own of course ;)

Now click on the Change of Heart link and go read it.

Change of Heart has been translated into Portugese by Ju Martinhao. So if you are interested in reading this in Portugese here is the link:

Thank you Juliana for putting in all of the time and work required to translate this story. Hopefully now my readers in Brazil and Portugal (and where ever else one speaks Portugese) can more easily read my little fic, thanks to you. Muah!

Sincerely, Lieutenant Cullen is being translated into French by AuMarie. If you are lucky enough to speak that beautiful language you may head on over and read it here:

Thank you, AuMari,e for spending the time to make this fic available to the French Twilight lovers of the world.

Images for various chapters of Change of Heart

Change of Heart, Chapter 15: This is a link to see Bella's dress she will wear to the Gala in chapter 15. http:///S/3022655?tuid=000006cb-006f-0861-6c61-726765727669&id=9303349&largeImg=0&tname=product

Change of Heart, Chapter 30: This is the link to see Bella's dress she wears to Alice's wedding.


Change of Heart, Chapter 32: Bella's engagement ring.


Change of Heart, Chapter 33: Bella's wedding dress.


Sincerely Lieutenant Cullen: HeatherDawn made an amazing banner for this story. If you'd like to check it out here's the link.


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