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KittenOfDoomage PM
My Stories 14
184Unto My Grace » SISFIC. When Sam left for college, Alex Winchester decided that she'd had enough. Enough of trying so hard. She took off and forged her own life away from the boys. Five years later, destiny and danger brings her back to her family, and secrets that were to be protected need that even more so. Rated M for violence and language and other...stuff. Spoilers all the way through, folks.
Supernatural, M, English, Supernatural & Family, chapters: 50, words: 254k+, favs: 215, follows: 179, updated: 5/17/2015 published: 8/5/2014, Sam W., Dean W., Castiel, OC
7 Just One Last Time Based on a Tumblr gif that broke my feels. AU After Sam falls into the cage, Dean asks Cas for one more favour.
Supernatural, T, English, Angst & Family, words: 4k+, favs: 20, follows: 7, 8/19/2014, Sam W., Dean W.
89In Medio Ignis » Sequel to "Si Primo Venit". You will probably need to read that to understand anything that is occurring here. So Spike's still in Africe, and Buffy has started college, all the while wondering where he is. Faith is still in her coma, and Riley is around. So what will Season Four bring our plucky heroes?
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M, English, Supernatural, chapters: 8, words: 27k+, favs: 148, follows: 210, updated: 7/26/2014 published: 5/8/2014, [Buffy S., Spike]
204 Si Primo Venit » What if Spike was turned before Angel? How would have things played out then? Challenge Response, eventually Spuffy.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M, English, Supernatural, chapters: 40, words: 143k+, favs: 323, follows: 164, updated: 5/7/2014 published: 2/6/2014, [Spike, Buffy S.] Angel, Darla
38 Not Your Shoe Size » Mostly Dawn POV and eventual Spuffy. Response to a challenge on Elysian Fields. Dawn's wish in Older and Far Away is different, resulting in a whole bunch of fun for the Scooby Gang. Rated M just in case.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M, English, Humor & Angst, chapters: 10, words: 35k+, favs: 85, follows: 47, updated: 2/8/2014 published: 12/14/2013, [Buffy S., Spike] Dawn S.
93 No Rest » Willow said "The First is scrunched". She has no idea how wrong she is. Takes place immediately after "Chosen". SPUFFY. Please R&R.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M, English, Supernatural, chapters: 29, words: 79k+, favs: 79, follows: 74, updated: 12/14/2013 published: 4/6/2013, Buffy S., Spike
3 Signs Of Life One shot, Buffy POV, she needs information and goes to Spike for it.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, T, English, words: 1k+, favs: 4, 5/9/2013, Buffy S., Spike
14 Bridges Over Troubled Water » A year after the Hellmouth was destroyed, Xander has been working in Cleveland, and returns to LA to spend the anniversary of Anya's death as close to her final resting place as he can get. Whilst there, he stops in LA to visit Faith & CO and decides to follow a seemingly harmless job checking up on a patient who has been having visions...X/S FRIENDSHIP SPUFFY X/A.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, T, English, Friendship & Angst, chapters: 7, words: 19k+, favs: 24, follows: 12, updated: 3/23/2013 published: 3/2/2013, Buffy S., Spike
55 In Enemy Hearts » Set after the events at the end of S4 after the end of the world as Buffy knew it. A struggle for survival. Further summary inside. Spuffy. COMPLETE.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M, English, Angst & Sci-Fi, chapters: 22, words: 67k+, favs: 65, follows: 46, updated: 2/27/2013 published: 2/13/2010, Buffy S., Spike
11 Pandemonium » Hell in an alleyway has become Hell on Earth. The only clue they have is in a prophecy and no one knows the outcome. Set after ATS ended. COMPLETE!
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M, English, Angst, chapters: 8, words: 29k+, favs: 38, follows: 16, updated: 6/28/2011 published: 2/13/2010, Buffy S., Spike
4 Infection One shot - the world has become overrun with zombies. I dreamt it and had to write it. It killed a afternoon. WARNING: Character death in a funny way Spuffy undertones.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, T, English, Horror, words: 3k+, favs: 8, 6/26/2011, Buffy S., Spike
30 Overcome » Helplessness is the worst of all emotions and sometimes the people we least expect see us through the most difficult obstacles we can face. S3, response to Challenge 349 of Bloodshedverse. Guidelines at end of fic. Warnings for discussions of and consequences of rape, but no graphic descriptions.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M, English, Angst, chapters: 8, words: 31k+, favs: 77, follows: 36, updated: 10/3/2010 published: 1/6/2009, Buffy S., Spike
28 Lacrymosa » SUMMARY: COMPLETELY AU Spike is human and part of the gang. We join in Season Three as Faith makes her entrance and the fun begins in good ole Sunnyhell…
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 25, words: 68k+, favs: 21, follows: 5, 11/9/2006, Buffy S., Spike
12 End Of All Things » RE-EDITED! AU from Chosen. Spike shows up as a ghost as it happened, only this time, Buffy dreams about him and finally finds out that Angel has lied and he is alive. She heads to LA where the fun begins...
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M, English, Angst, chapters: 22, words: 27k+, favs: 55, follows: 11, 4/5/2006, Buffy S., Spike
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