It seems FFn doesn't like smileys anymore. FFn has changed its reviewing system so that no one can make the same review for a story. Meaning if I leave a smiley for chapter 1, I can't leave a smiley for the rest of the story. I get really tongue-tied with reviews as I'm very self-conscious about what I leave for an author that anyone who looks at the reviews for the story can see. My smileys were my own way of letting the author know I was reading & enjoying without feeling wondering how my review sounded to others, so it makes me very sad that FFn made this change.
Hi! I'm the smiley reviewer. I appreciate the many authors that strive to produce quality writing & admire the courage they must posess to actually post a story. We all know there are some people out that leave just plain cruel reviews or flames. So yes, I believe anyone willing to put their creativity on the line & post a story, not knowing how it will be received, earns a review in my book.
My smiley represents my appreciation, admiration, happiness & thankfulness for putting your heart into a Twilight fic. So, write on! :)
I'm on the twitterverse now & its so fun!
Part of the Twitter fun is the daily Twitter #readalong! For a complete schedule of @Geekerella's Twitter Readalong, click here: http:///2010/02/twitter-read-along-party-schedule.html?zx=f3d8547e6cc186f2
Some of my favorite quotes:
"Bella Swan: Kidnapper" by Kambria Rain
“She just threatened to shoot me in my own home,” Jasper chuckled, but then his face turned serious. “You don’t think she really would, do you?”
Jasper speaking to Edward after Bella threatened to shoot him with a nail gun... (chapter 3)
My extra-favorite authors!
Kambria Rain