IMPORTANT NOTE: If you love me, send me FanFiction! lol I always love finding a new story to read, so if you happen to be reading one that's REALLY good, send me the title and author! Thanks!
I think I've become somewhat of a fan fiction snob... I'm extremely picky about what stories I'll read. My major problem is with stories that include grammatical errors. I guess that's not what writing is all about and that's not why people post their stories, but here's the thing: you could have the best story idea that I've every heard, but if I can't get through the first paragraph because words are continuously spelled wrong, or there's no punctuation, or it's all dialog and no description, or everything's written in one paragraph... You get the idea. I just can't be bothered. When I need something new to read and I go search the archive, I don't even bother to read the first story I come across because I know I'll be back at the archive shortly. I'll look through the first few pages of stories that meet my parameters, open them all in new pages, then bookmark them. If I start reading one and it doesn't meet my standards, I already have 10 or so other stories whose summaries caught my attention and I can open one of those without taking up a lot of time.
I know no one reads this stuff, but I'm gonna tell you all about my little obsession anyway. :)
So, I became a fan of Twilight. I started reading the first book in December of 2008 and absolutely could not put it down. I only had Twilight and New Moon, so once I got through those, I persuaded my boyfriend at the time to give me an early Christmas present so I could start reading Eclipse. Then we exchanged presents early so that I could start Breaking Dawn. Since then, I have read the whole series, all the way through, four times. I couldn't get enough of the story. I wanted more.
The only exception to 'all the way through' would be that I can't bring myself to read the 350 pages or so of New Moon where Edward is gone. I know it's irrational, because I know he's coming back, and because it's fiction, but every time I try to read it I break down crying and can't see through the tears enough to read the words. I get so emotional!
Anyway, I found myself online looking for anything that could satiate the need for... I wasn't even sure. I looked for news articles and pictures and fan sites. I just read every bit of information I could find. It was like an obsession! Anyway, I don't even remember what site I was on, but someone mentioned this FanFiction website and praised a story titled Wide Awake (which, btw, the more profiles I read, the more I can see that EVERYONE and their mother has read WA, and it's what brought them to this site) as being the best fan fiction they had ever read. I didn't even know what fan fiction was, but I Googled the title and found the story. I was hooked! There are endless possibilities for what can happen to the characters when there are endless numbers of people writing about them! I was fascinated! So here I am, reading story after story, and compiling my list of favorites.
Who knew I would love to read smut?!
So, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a die-hard Edward and Bella fan. Almost all the stories I read are E/B with the exception of a very few. It's so bad that when I'm reading an E/B story, and they happen to break up, and I KNOW they're gonna get back together, I still get upset and I feel hurt like I was the one getting dumped... How f'ing sad am I? lol
So, I realized that I have read quite a few stories so far, and my fvorites list is getting pretty long... Here is my list, so far, of the one's that I liked the best (i.e. - I remember them w/o looking at the list!). They are in semi-order, though my list can change quite often...
Favorites of the Favorites – and my quick thoughts, look in my favorites for the link and the summary.
Crush’n’Push – dariachenowith – Twilight done differently…The way it could have been. I might just like this version better! Lol
THE TEENAGE ANGST BRIGADE – jandco – Just fucking loved it.
The Office – tby789 – FUCKING HOT!!
Subject: Edward Cullen, AKA The Womanizer – ericastwilight – some hard topics to cover, but kept my attention, good story.
Inked – ARenee363 – Bella and Edward are way ooc, but are really funny and crazy! Also, only chapter fic I've read more than once.
Marked – ARenee363 – Sequel to Inked
White Blood – ineedyoursway – One Shot for Tatward/Inkella, amazing fic! Makes me cry every time. I hope it wins.
Buried Among the Begonias – DurtyNelly – It's messed up big time, but it's an awesome fic. Way out there.
Hydraulic Level 5 – Gondolier – Awesome story. Cliffhucking Floozies.
A Rough Start and The Tutor – ItzMegan73 – Both awesome. She has her own style of writting that is extremely unique.
Emancipation Proclamation – kharizzmatik – Mobward and guns. It's hot.